About Jumo-211 motor-cannon

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tomo pauk

Creator of Interesting Threads
Apr 3, 2008
Was it possible (without some major redesign) to install a gun that would've fire through the prop shaft, like DBs, Hispano-Suiza or Klimov engines managed?
Bf 109 B-1 with Jumo 210D had an engine mounted machinegun which was later usually removed because of overheating issues. I don't know what that says about the Jumo 211.
not an expert by any means but machine guns themselves generate tremendous heat, combine that with the heat of the 12-cylinder engine and you have significant cooling problems
just an opinion but a definite major redesign
Actually, it's other way around: aircraft guns required heating in order to function properly at high altitude/low temperature. The engine provided that free of charge.
The guns themselves fired during very short time, wich coupled with air stream made overheating non-issue for fighter plane guns.
thanks tomo, now that you mention it i do recall that some planes had problems with their gun mechanisms freezing and i remember something about the wildcat/hellcat adding two more .50 but not changing the ammo capacity giving them something like 30 - 40 sec firing time. things are different on the ground, there were times when our .50 barrels glowed red hot.

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