About strafing Aces

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Dec 17, 2016
Hello , Does any one knows which 8th Air Force pilot got the highest score in aircraft strafing ? Regards

The top 3 strafing aces of the 8th Air Force:

Elwyn G. Righetti 27 strafing victories
Joseph L. Thury 25.5 strafing victories
John D. Landers 20 strafing victories

Source: "Fighters of the Mighty Eighth" by William N. Hess and Thomas G. Ivie

Thank you very much, eagle Dad Regards
It's better to kill 'em on the ground than in the air.

I'm a Tejano. We took out Santa Anna while they slept at San Jacinto. Every bit as much a victory, and with a lot less sweat.

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