I was looking at Tóth Lajos' victory claims and saw that he claimed a La-7 over Vienna at 1735 hours. I have the book "Bostonok A Magyar Égen És Földben" by Horvath Gabor and it's says that a La-7 flown by Petr Ivanchenko was lost at 0845 hours on 13 April 1945 over Vienna. Since the times are completely different I assumed this was not Tóth's victory. However I found this post by Horvath Gabor:
"and finally: 2Lt. Tóth Lajos, Hungarian Bf 109G ace's soviet claims over Hungary and Austria in 1944-1945:
Claim No., Date .....Reported AC ...Real victim
24 ….. 13.04.45. La-7 ……….......La-7, S/N: 45211044, engine: 82132741, tactical white '44', 5 VA, 14 GvIAD, 177 GvIAP, ml.l-t Petr Fedorovich Ivanchenko (KIA) at Austria, Vienna-N, -NW"
He came to the conclusion that Ivanchenko was in fact Tóth's victim. Since I can't contact him is there anyone who could message him directly with this question?
German overclaims in the East. Hartmann and others... - Page 19 - Luftwaffe and Allied Air Forces Discussion Forum
Page 19- German overclaims in the East. Hartmann and others... Luftwaffe and Axis Air Forces
"and finally: 2Lt. Tóth Lajos, Hungarian Bf 109G ace's soviet claims over Hungary and Austria in 1944-1945:
Claim No., Date .....Reported AC ...Real victim
24 ….. 13.04.45. La-7 ……….......La-7, S/N: 45211044, engine: 82132741, tactical white '44', 5 VA, 14 GvIAD, 177 GvIAP, ml.l-t Petr Fedorovich Ivanchenko (KIA) at Austria, Vienna-N, -NW"
He came to the conclusion that Ivanchenko was in fact Tóth's victim. Since I can't contact him is there anyone who could message him directly with this question?