Acknowledgement of photo sources

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Firstly I should introduce myself. I'm Donald R Clark, owner and researcher of the 211 Squadron site.

Next, I'd like to thank Col. Bogey for bringing this thread to my attention.

Fact is, the site and Gallery rules are clearly stated here:
and again in the Gallery
"If you hold a copyright on any of the material on this site please email me 'admin at ww2aircraft dot net' to work the problem out. Thanks horse"

The Blenheim cockpit image at
is clearly in breach of these rules. It is also clearly taken from my site, without permission or attribution.

All images on my site are fully attributed, used with permission, and (after title and attribution) for the most part presented with painstakingly researched sub-captions. Without these, each image is little more than wallpaper.

Contacting me for permission would have been a piece of cake, as my contact details are readily seen on-site. In fact I had already noticed the unauthorised copy here in my never-ending search for material on my main topics. I have twice emailed the Aircraft of World War II contacts about this, without the courtesy of a reply of any sort.

I object strongly to the misuse of the results of my long research into recording the history of brave young men who fought for freedom over 60 years ago. I would have thought that their history deserved more respect than to be filched without permission and without attribution.

Kindly take the picture down. In the light of the attitudes displayed here, I'll not be giving permission for any user of this board, site and gallery to use, copy, or link any material from

As for welcome to the boards, Bogey's comments were polite and constructive. I gather he is an ex-serviceman himself, with an interest in WW2 aviation. "Snooping": no-one "snoops" on the Internet - browsing is what it is for.

Do you own the copyright of that image? Because you have that on your site does not mean that possess that copyright. I suspect that either Mr. Cooper or Bristol aircraft actually hold the copyright on that image. That does not give you copyright ownership, nor does the death of Mr. Cooper.

Who did you e-mail about it? If you think someone posting an image that you feel was "stolen" from your site on a message board that is free and dedicated to WWII aviation is doing a history a disservice, then you are doing it for the wrong reasons.

I will remove the image to make you happy, but know that because you possess a copy of someone else's picture does NOT make you the owner of the copyright. If you think this will be the last time someone uses an image from your site, you have a lot to learn. You will be making objections for the rest of your life.

The intention here was to let people see what they may not have access to see in the real world. If you think there was malice aforethought, then you are sorely mistaken.

No worries about your images from me. I will steer clear of your precious little empire.
I completely agree with Kiwimac.The general rule should be kept. Posting pictures and text, we should never state that they are own if they aren't.

© DR Clark and others 1998–2006. This work is copyright. You may download, display, print or reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. Requests and inquiries may be directed to me in the first instance, at the Enquiries address. Private non-profit users may expect prompt approval.
Sorry Evanglider.I shouldn't do so much as utter one word.Unfortunately, I haven't noticed that the discussion took two sits. From my point of view You are absolutely right .First of all, someone who claims that is an owner should prove that he is really.Everyone could write down that his site is under copyright.
Sounds like someones either alittle insecure or completely and totally in love with himself... Misuse???? Gimme a freakin break... Its called educating the masses.... But now that the pic is gone, we can lock this BS thread and move on....

BTW, the dudes site sucks anyways...
I'd like to thank Kiwimac for his civil and constructive reply. Caught with your hand in the cookie jar, there are two options: go ape, or say gee sorry, we'll fix it. Thanks, Kiwimac.

Ignoring all the bull posted previously, all you need to do is follow your own site's rules, and follow the rules of any site you find interesting stuff on, and you'll get on fine.

In this case, all that was needed was to
1. ask my permission (my rules) and
2. cite my site and the original pic title and source (your rules).

The image debated here, taken by a Bristol staff photographer c1936, would have been Bristol Aeroplane Co copyright, falling out of copyright in 1996. My original title and source acknowledge that, to anyone who grasps copyright. In addition of course I had Len's permission to use his print. The Title itself and the extended caption are my original work and hence copyright until 2050 somep'n.

So the beef isn't about copyright as such. It's about courtesy and researchability. In acknowledging sources, you open the doors to further research and pay due respect to the work done by others. Without it: well, you just get guys good and mad.

To repeat: anyone wanting to use stuff from my site needs to ask my permission first. Piece of cake.'s all folks!
Blah blah blah blah blah.... Im not civil or constructive.... We have it posted on our site about the rules.... Enough said.... The fact that u dont own the copyright to said picture makes this whole freakin subject moot....

Lockin this one up, waste of O2 anyways...
Well, I certainly tried. But I will go on record here and state that because you do not own the copyright on that photo and as you stated, it has fallen out of copyright, you do not own the image. So why all the fuss? It was ONE image out of thousands on this site. No one is making a profit from it and it was put there for others to see and/or use as an informational tool.

You might do yourself a favor and put your we address on the image so that people know where it came from. It doesn't have to be very big and it will not detract from the picture if place in the proper place.

To say that we were like a child with a hand in the cookie jar is just tripe. No one claimed the image as theirs and since it is NOT under any copyright, it is de facto public domain. You cannot claim that something that is not your property as stolen.
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