Advanced designs

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Twitch mate the picture are actually an artist's impression by Gert Heumann, but if you knew it I just thought I will mention it. The Hs-132 never were completed and the almost finished aircraft were captured by the Russians.

I have these few pictures of the Hs-132 V1 prototype and you can clearly see it is not fully completed.

Above: The Hs-132 V1 with its engine already installed.

Above: The nose of the aircraft.

Above: The cockpit with the two control sticks and at the front of the cockpit is the armored glass.

Here are some drawings of the aircraft.


Origin: Henschel Flugzeugwerke AG
Type: Dive bomber
Models: V1, V2 and A, B, and C
Engine: BMW 003A-1 turbojet
Thrust: 1,760lb (800kg)

Span: 7.20m (23 ft. 7.5 in.)
Length: 8.90m (29 ft. 2.5 in.)
Height: 3.00m (9 ft. 10 in.)

Empty: not known
Loaded: 7,496lb (3400kg)

Maximum speed with bomb: 435mph (700km/h)
Clean: 485mph (780km/h)
Range at 32,800 ft (10,000m): 696 miles (1120km)

A Model: None
B Model: Two 20mm MG 151 Cannon

The info and I got from

This is what I have.

The Hs 132 was begun in early 1944 with the concept of taking advantage of the fact that a prone pilot could better resist g forces. The advantages of a reduced frontal area was also not lost; it was thought allied anti-aircraft gunners would not be able to hit such a small fast target. The 132A series carried no guns. The 132B series, with the more powerful Jumo 004 engine was to be armed with two 20mm MG 151 cannon as well as the bomb. There were to be more variants but the factory was overrun before flight testing could begin.

Nice info. I may add that the engine for the V-prototypes were no BMW-003A1 (this engine model was phased out by late 1944 due to the high content of raw ressources like Molybdenum). A-2 would be more reasonable but the fixpoints for the BMW-003 A2 engine were on the top while te airframe has fixpoints on it´s back. This also exclude the BMW-003A2 for the Hs-129. The BMW-003 E2 or E3 fit in the airframe (alike the He-162). The engine has the same weight and size of the original A1 model but it is somehow improved, allowing a 30 sec. 115% overrew (923 kp instead of 800 Kp). It also was in serial mass production by early 1945.
The Jumo-004 model to be used by the Hs-129 was the 004 D4 model. This version had increased lifetime (still way inferior to the BMW engine), reduced fuel consumption, larger air intake and a nominal static thrust of 932 Kp (100%).
Lunatic also pointed out earlier that the plane would have it´s difculties as "DIVE"-bomber. try to slow down from 400 mp/h cruise speed at 90 degrees dive angle... The plane is way to fast to perform as a dive bomber. As a ground attack (shallow dive) plane it could be awesome on the other hand!
Yeah I used the touched up photo for clarity sake. The prototypes were actually 75-80% complete when the Russkie grabbed them. Like most nearly-finished German planes they got it is quite possible they finished the Hs 132 as they did SO many others. Neat little design though.
Yep, they were desperate to get such aircraft to "build" their own aircraft.

I like the design, but it is just stupid that it only carried one big bomb.

I have this pic of it in action at D-day or actually of how it could have been if it were at D-day.

Very correct. When it became avaiable in early 1945, this sophisticated aiming device could display correct solutions for aiming up to 1.400 Km/h, but it took time in development. I recall correctly that the Hs-132 did not was intended to be a dive bomber either. Documents published in Luftfaht Archive support this. The low level, shallow dive attack was the intended purpose of the plane. It shouls be noted that the original tactical envelope of the plane included ship attack, so a single heavy AP-bomb was needed for heavy cruisers, carriers and (older) battleships.
This is pretty great info, I have also seen a that the Germans build the first TV set to be able to guide their guided bombs from the aircraft.

Prety amazing what they did to be able to get their target.

there were many missiles ready for action at the end of the war, so even more mass destruction in the Cold war
that's what i don't like about that site and stuff like it, some of the planes on there were no more than a scribble in the corner of a designer's page, now everysingle one of them could've been a revolution, winning the war for germany, being superior to absolutely anything the allies could fly and all of this at over 600mph with 500lbs of thrust with a 1,000+ mile range and four 20mm in the nose, plus the two radar aimed guns in the rear, the plane wouldn't wanna get shot down before dropping its 5,000kg internal payload
Lancaster put forward a serious point.
We cannot easily extrapolate the filght performances of these sketch designs.
It should also be noted that the page covers all designs, some of them were never intended for serial production, some of them would probably win a contract and therefor kick other designs for their specification:
Take the single jet engined air superior fighter for example:
The page covers designs like
Me-P1101 (one prototype build, but only as testbed for variable wing sweep, Messerschmidt rejected this construction early in the competition)
P1105, PP1106, P1110, P1111 and P1112 (all but the latest rejected)
Fw-Flitzer, Ta-183
Heinkel He-162 improved P 1073, P 1078
Hs P 135
BV P209, BV P 212
The contract was actually won by Junkers! Now You need to kick out all of these impressive paper projects (including the all loved Ta183, Gentlemen!) and you get a plane from which we virtually don´t know anything substantial....

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