Advice on colours inside the Airfix 1/24th Focke Wolf 190 ??

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ian lanc

Senior Airman
Sep 30, 2007
mansfield, nottinghamshire
Hi chaps,

I've started the above kit! and on the instructions it tells you to paint some interior
parts in Humbrol H78 interior green, I also use this colour in RAF bombers/fighters,
surly a German fighter can't have the same green as in British aircraft can it ??

Thoughts please

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i have the same model as you i finished it last week yes green is good i used a light green and a zinc chromat color mix and looks good i used testors paint but yes i use it on both my RAF planes and my german planes
You've heard of the initial work in cracking the Enigma code ?

It's a pity Airfix haven't up-dated the instruction sheet/booklet for this kit. When first released in the early 1970's, at around £3 (!!) there was an excuse, as such colour info was still somewhat sketchy, in general terms, and not taken too seriously by the 'average' modeller. But to re-release the same kit with a price tag around the £50 mark, and not up-date things is a bit off.
I couldn't agree more.
Do they still do the single colour Ju 87 ? Again, in the 1970s, that was fair enough but not today.
Sure was Ian ! It's still a nice kit, although if it's relatively recent production, there may be some evidence of 'soft' moulding, due to the age of the mould tools.
I picked up their 1/24th scale Bf109 for £7 just before 'Woolies' went t*ts up, and found loads of mis-moulding and poor fit - had to build it 'wheels up', as a belly landed display.
Terry the kit is full of flash and its everywhere! You just can't cut off a bit and paint it!
Oh no I've got the file/trim every bit, so I'm just cutting off the bits and cleaning them
up and putting all the cleaned up bits in a plastic container, NIGHTMARE!!
Yep, the '109 was the same. Bit naughty of Hornby Hobbies to charge 'today's' prices for something like that. As I remember it, the FW190 kit was a touch more expensive, but not by much, than the P-51, which was £2.75 when first released in 1972 !
Production and, packaging etc has increased in price, but the mould tools must have paid for themselves a few times over by now, so a more realistic retail price should really be in the £20 to £25 bracket at maximum.
To ask the current retail price,comparable to new kits being produced today by other companies, for a 1970's era kit, is a bit cheeky I think, and does not help the 'image', or sales prospects of the Airfix brand, where 'new' modellers, or those without knowledge of the age of this and similar kits from the era, are concerned. It could be very easy for the uninformed to presume that all Airfix kits were of this quality level, including the latest, genuinely new-tool releases, which, of course, we know is not the case.
The instructions aren't that clear neither! Maybe done by a blind man!

Kit is pretty new as it has the Hornby logo and the Kent address!

Must have spent at least ten hours neatening all the friggin edges and still not finished! No wonder some modellers say its a terrible fit!
I feel for you Ian !
The reviews when it was first released were almost ecstatic, remembering, of course, that in 'those days', 1/24th scale was new, novel, and massive, and the FW190 was a complex kit very much ahead of its time. The fit of parts then would have been good (I didn't build one at the time), and I remember being impressed with the fit and quality (for the time) of the Spitfire MkI, Bf109 and Hurricane.

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