Aircraft Agility and speed

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Jun 1, 2018
Excuse me, could anyone help me by telling me the factors that made an aircraft agile.
Also, can anyone tell me the factors of speed in a fighter aircraft?

To be honest, there's a wide range of factors that contributed to a fighter's agility.

And what was considered the best performer in 1940 was eclipsed by types in service by 1945.

Perhaps narrow it down a little?
Hang on, I'm a bit tired as I've been up all night: I'll get to this in the morning
Okay, do flaps help much? and Do streamlining and weight have anything to do with agility?

Flaps will increase lift coefficient, so decrease instantaneous turn radius. Power:weight is critical, as greater power:weight means the aircraft can better recover energy, climb faster, and maintain greater turn rates. Streamlining means more surplus power at any airspeed.

Oh, and does engine power have to do anything with the agility?

Power:weight was addressed above.

Factors of agility in 1940 please.

The same as they were in 1917 and are in 2018: power:weight, wing loading, surplus power, control authority, roll inertia, control harmony, and predictable behavior.

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