Aircraft Erection and Maintance manual

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Aug 21, 2006
Hi guys,

Was wondering if any one is willing to share or post a B-25 Erection and mainance manual for some research Im doing. As a secondary one Im looking for the same one except for a B-24.

Thanks in advance.
hi paul,

any chance of sending me a copy of the station diagrams please.

Hi John,

Not sure on what pictures you wanted. The manual is located here for the erection and maintance manual. If you want to tell me what pages you are looking for I can then make them into a jpeg file and send them to you.

All the best
hi paul,

i had not realised it was posted here, found it now and downloaded it, the drawings are on page 44, if anyone as the manual, could they scan that page in higher res and as a photo(comes out clearer) might be able to read the measurement then these old eyes ain't what they used to be.

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