Aircraft Identification Please

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Harvards are common in my neck of the woods. I like them, they have a brutish appearance that is endearing.

Harvard close

NZ1053 2


The Roaring Forties is a local group of owner/pilots who appear at local airshows and have been doing this since the early 80s.

Roaring 40s-1

Roaring 40s-3
An Ex NZ AT-6D I photographed at Essendon Airport in Melbourne a few years ago, still flying I believe but not sure where it is based now.


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I've suspected that there are a lot of these aircraft still in existence, flying. Not a lot of combat use, being trainers. Biggest risk was the student pilot, I'm guessing. Used in movies posing as Mitsubishi Zero's, et al. I'll be somebody out there has a reasonable estimate as to how many there are in the world today.

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