Airmen on the Wings: Post your Pics

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Glock Perfection
Apr 12, 2005
Washington State
It seems that it is popular for squadrons to have pics taken with them on the wings of their aircraft. Post the ones you may have. Here is a few to start with. I know we have many more out there.

[Picture sources unknown]


  • Corsair.jpg
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  • Stuka.jpg
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  • typhoon.jpg
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I have somewhere one of a B-36 Peacemaker with a lot of crew on the wings although I will need to delve into my archives to try to find it...
Think I might have a different photo of that one, taken with the nose almost directly in the middle of the photo, taken looking straight down from nose to tail through the aircraft... It is the right aircraft though...
some RCAF in the 50's Sabre from 421 "Red Indian and a Clunk or CF100 from 423


  • 423-14.jpg
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  • 421-46.jpg
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heres a few more The Typhoon ones are 439 Sqn RCAF and the other is labled


  • pilots1.jpg
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  • bflight.gif
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  • typhie11.jpg
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