"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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KYIV, June 16 (Reuters) - Advancing Ukrainian troops are facing "desperate resistance" from Russian forces around the eastern city of Bakhmut, and are inflicting big losses on Russian troops in the south, Ukrainian military chiefs said on Friday.

Reuters could not verify the battlefield situation. Russia has not officially acknowledged Ukrainian advances in the early stages of a counteroffensive, and said it had inflicted heavy losses on Kyiv's forces in the previous 24 hours.

Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi, who is in charge of Ukrainian ground forces, said the situation in the east was tense and Russia was bringing its best divisions into the Bakhmut sector with backup from artillery and aircraft.

"We continue to conduct offensive actions in separate directions, occupying dominant heights, and strips of forest with the aim of forcing the enemy gradually out of the outskirts of Bakhmut. Realising this, the enemy units put up desperate resistance," Syrskyi said on the Telegram messaging app.


Syrskyi said Ukrainian forces were also advancing in the south. Kyiv said on Thursday it had regained control of about 100 square km (38 square miles) of territory in just over a week of its counteroffensive against Russian forces.

Yes...until the cannon fodder wises up and realizes that they can revolt and overthrow the ones in charge.
Yes...until the cannon fodder wises up and realizes that they can revolt and overthrow the ones in charge.
That never works out for Russians, as they always jump from one tyrannical system to another just as bad or worse. Smarter Russians would have stayed with the Tsar post-WW1 and pushed for more powers for the Duma, a sort of Magna Carta for Russia, eventually bringing Russian into a constitutional monarchy.
About recent Putin's speech.
He said that they destroyed "five Patriot complexes" near Kyiv. "Complexes" means systems or groups of units in Russian. Well, he was almost correct - in number at least. According to the Ukrainian Air Force, at least six Patriot's PAC 2 or PAC 3 missiles were destroyed by incoming Kinzhals in the skies of the Kyiv region in one night.

I think the parts quality is probably extremely variable. Everyone who ever knew a person who had a Lada car will attest to that some were treated like sh*t and went forever and others fell apart in "days". I knew one who ran his succesfully for years but the type went from none to common to almost none in a year in Aus

Certainly in my experience the Mil-8 aircraft parts may look agricultural but they are extremely well designed and trouble free but that does not mean any other types are. The Mil-17 has EASA certification with a single hydraulic flight control system whereas all other types need dual systems. That certification was based on many years operation without a single flight control hydraulic failure. The only non scheduled component change on the PNG Mil's was one engine driven fuel pump caused by fuel that failed the laboratory BOCLE test carried out post failure and component tear down. All the other pumps were changed as a precaution as they also had been operated on the same fuel.

Naturally these aircraft are civil so not operated as aggressively as mil aircraft
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Dude, they deposed the Tsar because of WWI. "Staying with him afterwards" is the equivalent of setting off the scuttling charges, and then urging the crew to not abandon ship.

The Tsar was deposed and likely dead before the Bolsheviks signed Brest-Litovsk. Of course the Reds sent most of the intelligentsia to stay with him anyway ... courtesy of eleven grams of lead, or a gold mine in Kolyma, or the White Sea canal, or ...
Dude, they deposed the Tsar because of WWI.
That Tsar, yes. But choose another rather than toss out the system.

Ditch Nicolas II and his hemophiliac son and have the praetorians appoint Duke Michael Alexandrovich as Tsar.

"Unlike his brother the Emperor, he proved a popular military leader."

"British consul Bruce Lockhart thought he "would have made an excellent constitutional monarch".
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