"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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I don't believe that article or the comments from Zelensky give anything away.

Intel is often a matter of putting different pieces together in order to develop a picture. It's something every American recruit is warned about in basic training, at least when I was in.

I get it, you disagree. I stand by my point.
I don't believe that article or the comments from Zelensky give anything away.
Likely not, but what Zelenskyy's comments may do is needlessly elevate the expectations of uninformed politicians and oblivious citizens in the US and the West to unrealistic levels. Why repeat 2023's over promising and under delivering?

The Danger in Hyping Ukraine's (2023) Spring Offensive
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Ukraine's 2023 offensive didn't over promise - people's modern expectations born of instant gratification gave them a let down.

The public has quickly forgotten that Ukraine is punching above it's weight class alone, against a "super power" and their fight is not an easy one.

The talking heads are just making noise - of course Ukraine will have plans for an offensive. What/when/where will be pure conjecture, but the media thrives on sensatialism and we'll have to suffer through countless op-eds until it actually happens and at that point, we and the Russians will know.
Ukraine's 2023 offensive didn't over promise -
Come on…Zelenskyy and Zaluzhnyi hyped up the 2023 counteroffensive all across Western media and YouTube.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FSLotdNMB4Y&pp=ygUSdWtyYWluZSBhcm15IHZpZGVv

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxrXM2Hr-yg

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gv9Vvj_iLwY&pp=ygUpdWtyYWluZSBzcHJpbmcgY291bnRlcm9mZmVuc2l2ZSB6ZWxlbnNreXk%3D
Managing expectations is something that Zelenskyy must take seriously.
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And Zelenskyy knows that he needs to keep Ukraine in the news cycle.
Putting forward the Counter offensive message also may force the Russians to husband their forces just in case thus helping to relieve some pressure on Ukrainian forces.
The "Peace at any cost" argument put forward here and by others (including some senior political leaders) has to be ceased. Imagine the argument being used as people are led to the gas chambers...

"Peace at any cost" means exactly the same as "Peace in our time" did in 1939 and will have exactly the same result. I hate to say it but I predict WW3 will start about April or May in 2025, just after the majority of one member states NATO forces and supplies are substantially or totally withdrawn.
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100% agree. As further example of people's unrealistic need for instant answers, look at the MH370 search.

To me, the most annoying thing about the MH370 search is that the technology to eliminate that search was available for ten years before that "accident".

My employer in PNG used a Kiwi tracking device called Spidertrax in all aircraft. Because the PNG terrain is so unforgiving we had a ping time of 30 seconds so if an aircraft went down we knew within 60 seconds that the aircraft was down and knew where to search because the speed, altitude, heading and gps location of the last ping told us where to look.

The transmitter itself cost just over US$1000 and every ping cost 6 US cents so it added a mere $7.20 an hour to the operating cost of every flight but it also maximised the chances of crew and passengers being recovered while still alive.

If MH370 had the same or similar tech pinging even once every 30 minutes the search area would have been reduced. Just including the airspeed, altitude, heading and location to every engine and airframe technical data transmission would have provided the search organisers much of the data they needed,
Earlier today, a Russian Il-76 transport suffered a midair fire and crashed near Severny airfield in Ivanovo Oblast. Ivanovo Severny airbase, where the Il-76 tried to land before crashing today, is home to a huge fleet of A-50's. Some rumors point that the passengers on the ill-fated plane were an A-50 crew going to pick up a spare A-50 for the VSO.

"crashed near the local cemetery" How convenient !!!
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They need swarms of cheap long-range drones so russian have to use up their expensive AA missiles.
Have they gotten any more of the australian cardboard drones?
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