"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (7 Viewers)

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Something is better than nothing. besides it was the Ukrainians asking for them.
Don't forget that if Ukraine were to lose, the psychological blow to the West/NATO would be immense (especially if it is partially driven by a stab to the back...). Likewise the psychological uplift to Russia would also be strong. The next steps then might be to make a move towards the Baltic states and to then see if the already demoralised NATO is willing to stand up especially if the likes of London or Berlin is threatened with nuclear weapons all whilst a well funded '5th column' is active.
Even if Russia defeats the UAF and forces a total victory, Russia will be facing a Ukrainian insurgency that will make Afghanistan look like a Sunday picnic.
True...and some of those same insurgents might be inclined to also take action elsewhere

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGVEJxNc_0Q
New Russian tactics haven't stopped their meat grinder strategy from creating massive troop losses while limits of Putin's alliance with Iran have been exposed by Israel's strikes. This weeks' Frontline experts discuss how:

Kateryna Stepanenko from the Institute for the Study of War
Ambassador John Bolton, former national security advisor to Donald Trump
Adnan Tabatabai Iran analyst. Co-Founder & CEO of CARPO and Author of
Morgen in Iran.
Maj. Gen. Rupert Jones
Brian Carter from the American Enterprise Institute.
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Not of fan of videos that say, "Putin out of Time", etc. According to the videos, he's been out of time for a long time now
That's the problem with video and media dumps. We have no context. Does the poster believe Putin is out of time? We have no idea what the discussion point is.

Let's give it a try ourselves…. no context, no premise or supposition. You guess what it means….

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik26c0vPbJo&pp=ygUdU2hvcnRhZ2Ugb2YgY2FiYmFnZSBpbiBydXNzaWE%3D
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