"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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......but please do not confuse the unilateral actions of NATO member nations as somehow being representative of NATO the Organization......
I am not, actually you are
As you can see from my post you quoted and my previous one I have for good reasons written NATO members - never NATO alliance as a whole.
This clearly shows that NATO members have taken military action against diverse countries-even amongst themselves, all of them with no nuke capability!!

As such in regards to the Ukraine situation presently forwarding the NATO alliance is a defensive organization and therefore can only act if a member is attacked - is to me a lame excuse, covering up the real reason, which is that no European NATO member wants to militarily get entangled with a nuke possessing country, like e.g. Russia.

That's all - there is to it.


Yeah, the Franconia region of Bavaria is beautiful and only a short drive from the alps. Used to love the weekend trips to stay at Cheimsee or the General Walker Hotel near Berchtesgaden.

I spent most of my life in Germany. My mom is German, and my dad was US Army and retired there (still lives there). I was fortunate to be stationed in Germany after basic/AIT, and ended up marrying a German myself and them got out in Germany. If it were not for my career I would still be there. We fly back pretty every year to visit our families.
My favorite weekend place was Rothenburg ob der Tauber as it was just a hop skip and jump on the trains. I'd snoop in the shops and museums then buy a big picnic of salami, cheese, bread rolls and wine at the shops and hang in the park they made in the moat. Wonderful memories.
Well, it appears you're not fully versed on NATO's purpose.
It was intended to prevent the Soviet Union from taking the rest of Europe as Stalin had intended.
It was (and is) a defensive organization and as such, cannot initiate an offensive action.
As much as NATO and member nations want to militarily go to the Ukraine's aid, they cannot.
Even with Russian drones violating Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian and even Croatian air space, NATO is being reserved in order to not trigger another World War.

And keep in mind that NATO members that possess nuclear weapons include France and the UK - not just the U.S.

And let's be honest here: little Ukraine has stopped the mighty Russian military dead in it's tracks. Now imagine the full weight of the NATO nations bringing their full weight to bear in an all out war against Russia...it would be swift and conclusive.

And the death toll would almost certainly make ww2 look minuscule because Putin would not hesitate to let the nukes fly if there was any real threat to his position.
No more comments from my side - I have clearly stated as to the true reason of not being willing to engage with Russia and clearly pointed out some of the factual military actions conducted by NATO members in the past 60 years.

No more comments from my side - I have clearly stated as to the true reason of not being willing to engage with Russia and clearly pointed out some of the factual military actions conducted by NATO members in the past 60 years.

I'm not sure if this is accurate, but do you realize you're coming across as just another Tanki? Please feel free to correct me.
Tanki ? no idea what that is supposed to mean.
Something about saying no to glue in sewer pipes and making prudent toilet paper choices, as best I can tell.

No idea how this apparent brain fart is on topic here.
At least here in America, a Tanki is one of those who is nominally leftist but spends too much time toeing the Moscow line. Talking their propaganda. Presumably a "useful idiot" who believes it but not necessarily.

Leftism in America was always crippled. Still is. I'm as hard left as 99.99% of Americans that you're likely to ever meet. My attitudes are fairly mild by Euro standards. Our left has always been either corrupted by the fascists or corrupted by the communists. We have found it very difficult to find a path to actually help the proletariat without those corrupting forces. I am nominally part of the DSA because it's as close as we have to a real leftist political organization (the Democrats are Center/Right by European standards, and the Republicans are fascist Right). That said, I do what I can, support any candidate who might get us a step closer, because I don't want to fight an insurgency. I will if it comes to that (and that is why I own an AK47) to keep my son safe, but I really don't want to.

I hope this helps you understand a wee bit better.

And yet you said "As such to call it a "defensive" organisation is ridiculous..." so despite your frequent use of the word "members" it's pretty clear you were referring to NATO as an organization.
And yet you said "As such to call it a "defensive" organisation is ridiculous..." so despite your frequent use of the word "members" it's pretty clear you were referring to NATO as an organization.
I certainly got no problem with you quoting me on a previous post of mine.
But please quote and reread my statement in it's entirety not just picking out a specific line that fit's to your opinion or interpretation.

So yes, NATO members have attacked several countries that have never attacked a NATO member - humanitarian action or not, except Russia and N-Korea and any other country that has NUKES. As such to call it a "defensive" organization is ridiculous and presently just being used as an excuse not to get involved with e.g. Russia because they are no underdog since they unfortunately have NUKES.

My English isn't as good as yours, so instead of using the word "call it" I should maybe have written "referring to it now as being a defensive........."

So can we now please come back to the actual topic - what is the Zar planning? even if he would agree to an armistice - what will be his real goal/intentions? IMHO he is NOT going
to stop persuing his dream of recreating the Former Soviet Union or his Czarist empire.

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okay got it - thanks

As Russians tend to rape and murder why would I have sympathy for even one of them?

I have worked with a lot of Russians and like most people they are just like the average American or Brit or whoever else you meet in normal circumstances.

War turns many people into animals - regardless of race, colour, religion or any of the other artificial barriers that man invents to justify mankind's inhumanity to mankind.

It was not Russians at Mi Lai https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Mỹ_Lai_massacre any more than it was Americans at Auschwitz or Germans at the Inquisition.
Russia is claiming to have recruited 16,000 mercenaries from the Middle East to fight in Ukraine…
Are there any armed forces of the globe that's had worse success when armed by the Russians than those of the Middle East? Well, by this conflict, besides the Russians clearly. If well armed by NATO, the Ukrainians (along with their own 20,000 volunteer rather than mercenary foreign fighters) will eat these interlopers for lunch.

Ukraine needs to reallocate forces and efforts to the southeast. The Russian-held land connection with Crimea must be severed before the ceasefire. I fear that Ukraine is going to win (or survive) the war but lose the Peace.
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