"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Recently watched a video over on funker, where two Russian soldiers were hiding from a couple Ukrainian drones.and it was nerve wracking.

They managed to survive the encounter by camouflaging themselves and remaining calm, but the sound of those drones hunting for them was absolutely haunting and adds an entirely new dimension to the stuff of nightmares.
This post got me thinking about Ukraine's latest warship, the corvette Hetman Ivan Mazepa, seen conducting sea trials in the Sea of Marmara on 30 May 2024. I cannot find any images of the Mazepa sailing under a Ukeranian flag. If she did, does that make her a fair target for any Russian SSN or SSK loitering in the Mediterranean Sea? And can the Mazepa begin combat ops against Russian maritime targets in the Mediterranean or Baltic? For example, those cargo ships filled with Shahed drones.

And we still don't know who this submarine is being produced for.

If russian assets attack the Hetman in Turkish waters this is like a DoW on Turkey.
It may still be Turkish-flagged until its officially transferred to Ukraine.
Agreed. Goes both ways, if the Hetman wants to take on Russia in the Med it must be in international (or Syrian?) waters. How about a strike against Tartus?


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