"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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This is interesting. Speaking about the "melted spot", Medvedev didn't name Kyiv directly but used the famous historical term that can be translated as "the Mother of cities of Rus'". That term was (allegedly) coined by Oleg (Helgi) in the 10th century. And Rus', by the way, didn't mean Russia...but that was another story.
Now, those three words "maty gorodom russkym" were written by Medvedev in a strange form that didn't correspond to Russian or Ukrainian or any other Slavic language. It contains several errors and looks and sounds as gibberish or a drunken babble. Any sane person can Google (OK, Yandex) the original words of Oleg and copy/paste them, in 2 minutes. Why Medvedev couldn't do it, I wonder. Are the rumours about his drunkenness true? No way!

This guy doesn't care about reality. He has his own.
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''...By forcing the Russians to deploy a significant number of reserves to Kursk, the Ukrainian command was able to alter the war's trajectory. The diversion of most Russian reserves to the Kursk Oblast led to a slowdown in the Pokrovsk offensive due to inadequate reserves, which were unable to replace heavy losses and maintain the previous operational tempo. Therefore, Ukrainian forces managed to stabilize the Pokrovsk front and even begin pushing the Russians back around Niu York and Selydove, once the most critical and dynamic parts of the front. This success achieved the primary goal of the Kursk incursion – undermining the Russians' theater-wide initiative...''

''...Overall, the forced redeployment of Russian reserves from Pokrovsk to Kursk highlights the effectiveness of Ukraine's strategic planning and the ability and perseverance to make such plans succeed. The successful exploitation of key Russian vulnerabilities allowed Ukrainians to completely alter the dynamics of the battles in the Ukrainian Theatre of War, challenge the battlefield initiative, and impose their own rules of engagement.

Remarkably, Ukrainian forces achieve this in just six weeks, results that Russian offensives typically take 6-9 months to accomplish


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