"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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Now that the Ukrainians have reduced the Russian weapons stockpiles and the Russians have rushed all their SAMS to the remaining sites I wonder what the next Ukrainian targets will be.

What is Putin's pride and joy aircraft? That factory would be my next target. Or maybe a Russian ship in Russian waters and close to its destination that has a load of NK weapons on board. That would make a wonderful waterspout. Then again he loves his T-90 tank so that factory or the factory that make the hardest to get part for the T-90 may be in the shortlist for making magnificent fireworks displays. The Ukrainians now have a really great selection of spectacular targets.

Whatever they do next will be worth the short wait.
''...Before the F-16s first arrived in Ukraine in August, the country's fighter fleet consisted only of much older, Soviet-era aircraft. Those older jets have hydraulic systems, while F-16 jets are fly-by-wire, which means computers process the input by pilots.

"What it means is that F-16S are not just more maneuverable, they're more responsive," Bohnert said.

"And transitioning pilots from the older to the newer is a problem because you can teach someone to fly a plane in six months to a year. But to teach them that muscle memory to know what to do when something goes wrong takes four or five, six, takes many more years


As a guitarist, I've occasionally taken time off from electric guitar and played exclusively acoustic. The last time I did that I went acoustic for four years.

Now, the strings on acoustic are generally fatter than on an electric, meaning they're more difficult to fret, bend, etc. So when I went back to electric, I was fretting too hard and bending too far, throwing my notes sharp. It took a good month before my fingers readjusted to thinner electric strings.

I can only imagine the adjustment difficulties Ukrainian pilots are having.

"Under the terms of the agreement, Russia will export 20,000 tons of chickpeas, while Pakistan will supply an equivalent amount of rice. Another contract stipulates that Russia will send 15,000 tons of chickpeas and 10,000 tons of lentils in exchange for 15,000 tons of mandarins and 10,000 tons of potatoes."


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