"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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And also this ....

to liberate it from the neo-Nazi regime, which seized power in Ukraine in 2014 as the result of an armed state coup.
The delusion continues...
the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, Kherson and Zaporozhye regions and other areas that have been liberated from the neo-Nazi regime.
Ditto last comment...
They turned the Ukrainian people into cannon fodder and pushed them into a war with Russia, which they unleashed back in 2014. T
What the...??
Err...back up...who invaded Crimea and who's is it exactly??
In this connection, the decision to start a pre-emptive military operation was necessary and the only option.
Well at least you admit that it was Russia who attacked...
The main goal of this operation, which is to liberate the whole of Donbass, remains unaltered.
Explain the assault on Kyiv then...??
So that's your excuse is it...?
Yeah, professionals...right...
The Kiev regime brought into play new groups of foreign mercenaries and nationalists,
Hmmm...who brought mercenaries and nationalists in???
Boy, talk about projection...
More projection...and if this was so bad, why didn't the so-called oppressed here not simply move to Russia if that's where paradise was?
The Projection continues...this is getting tiring
We cannot, we have no moral right to let our kin and kith be torn to pieces by butchers; we cannot but respond to their sincere striving to decide their destiny on their own.
YEs, and about the rest of Ukraine?
Because everyone knows how I am a big supporter of democracy...

Today our armed forces, as I have mentioned, are fighting on the line of contact that is over 1,000 kilometres long, fighting not only against neo-Nazi units but actually the entire military machine of the collective West.
You haven't seen but a fraction of the western military machine my friend...
Boy this Special Military Action must really be hurting...
As I have said, we are talking about partial mobilisation. In other words, only military reservists, primarily those who served in the armed forces and have specific military occupational specialties and corresponding experience, will be called up.
Or anyone else we can co-op...but let's not worry about facts
Before being sent to their units, those called up for active duty will undergo mandatory additional military training based on the experience of the special military operation.
In other words, we want them to have half a chance of doing something rather than being chewed up straight away...
I would like to point out that the citizens of Russia called up in accordance with the mobilisation order will have the status, payments and all social benefits of military personnel serving under contract.
Oh you poor bastards...
Or heads will roll...or people will fall out of buildings...
Errr...who is making endless threats and acting irresponsibly again??

NATO is conducting reconnaissance through Russia's southern regions in real time and with the use of modern systems, aircraft, vessels, satellites and strategic drones.
What, can't you defend your own territory??
They openly say that Russia must be defeated on the battlefield
Well, if the battlefield is in Ukraine of course...
Oh, back to the projection...
Because I would rather take the whole of Russia and the world down rather than face the alternative...
Those who are using nuclear blackmail against us should know that the wind rose can turn around.
Oh, I hope you think about those words yourself...
I believe in your support.
Else you may get conscripted or fall out of a window...

My god, what a load of hogwash. Göbbels would be proud of him.

$10 says Tucker Carlson will be praising this on his show tonight.
Interesting...apparently there are protests in Russia at the mobilization (Source: BBC):

We're hearing more than 109 people across Russia have been detained after protesting against mobilisation, according to a human rights group.

The independent OVD-Info protest monitoring group told Reuters news agency it was aware of detentions in at least 15 different cities.

In Russia unsanctioned rallies are illegal under anti-protest laws.

In other news, 5 captured Britons who were fighting in the Ukrainian army are being released. This seems an odd thing to do as it removes one of Moscow's bargaining chips. Perhaps they're trying to play (a little) in case it gains them some benefits in the longer run.

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