"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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On a side note, it looks like t-62 are way more likely to be captured than the average Russian tank.
I wonder if its because: 1) they break more often and are abandoned, 2) crews feel more insecure and are more predisposed to abandon them, or 3) both of them.

Both plus they're slow. - 30 mph downhill with a tailwind on good roads. The crews are likely to hop out and flee in anything faster.

The person who did the original post of that puts "Darwin Award TM" on it which is a massive crock of sh1t.

The Darwin Awards were the brainchild of Randy Cassingham and I can guarantee that Randy had nothing to do with that particular fake award because the real awards were only given to those who raised the collective intelligence of the world by removing themselves from the genepool. The monkey in that photo is clearly still a part of the gene pool so does not meet the number one requirement.

Randy shut down the Darwin awards some 20 years ago because of all the fake Darwins. He also shut down the Stella awards for the same reason but one of his other newsletters is still available at thisistrue,com
I notice that even Putin's 'Allies' who he could depend on are now embarrassing him in public.

Vladimir Putin was given a stern dressing down by the president of Tajikistan in another indicator that the Russian dictator has lost respect and influence in his own backyard. Fellow longstanding dictator Emomali Rahmon, ruler of the Central Asian state of 9 million since 1994, seized upon Putin's woes back home and in Ukraine to give him a piece of his mind and tell him how he really feels during a summit in the Kazakh capital of Astana

Currently reading The Gulag Archipelago (long overdue and triggered by this war) and amaze me how little somethings seem to change.

Also, very powerful the paragraf about victories and defeats:

"It was a simple truth, but it also had to be suffered: in wars, not victories are blessed, but defeats! Governments need victories, peoples need defeats! After the triumphs, more triumphs are wanted, after a defeat, freedom is wanted, and it is almost always achieved."

Hope Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was right and freedom could be achieved in Rusia.
Currently reading The Gulag Archipelago (long overdue and triggered by this war) and amaze me how little somethings seem to change.

Also, very powerful the paragraf about victories and defeats:

"It was a simple truth, but it also had to be suffered: in wars, not victories are blessed, but defeats! Governments need victories, peoples need defeats! After the triumphs, more triumphs are wanted, after a defeat, freedom is wanted, and it is almost always achieved."

Hope Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was right and freedom could be achieved in Rusia.

The entire set of books (seven parts split into three books, in the hardback version I own) is an amazing read. He makes many great points in there, including the one you've quoted. It's a tough and doleful read, but well worth it.

His concerns about the Russians using the bridge event or the assassination to leverage charges of terror are fair. Putin is certainly using that angle to shore up his support in the wake of the disaster in the north, and the ongoing Ukrainian advances in the south. He's got the Russian hard-right sniping at him, and this gave him a fig-leaf for what are essentially no different than the German reprisal weapons of 1944.
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Russians are abducting Ukrainian children and sending them to who knows where in Russia in order indoctrinate them.The Russians are terrorists as well as war criminals and should be tried as such. The problem is that there are too many turd eaters afraid call a turd a turd. Putin and all Russian officials are guilty of crimes against humanity.
Putin may intend for mobilized personnel to plug gaps in Russia's frontlines long enough for the autumn conscripts to receive some training and form additional units to improve Russian combat power in 2023.
This statement corroborates dozens of anecdotal reports from Russian outlets, milbloggers, and mobilized personnel of untrained, unequipped, and utterly unprepared men being rushed to the frontlines, where some have already surrendered to Ukrainian forces and others have been killed.
You don't suppose there's a bit of calculated "fitness cleansing" going on here; sending the fat, dumb, fifty, and fragile into the meat grinder with minimal investment in kit and training in order to lavish ever dwindling resources on the more promising specimens, do you? Given the barbarity of this regime, I wouldn't Putin it past them.

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