"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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I think we can excuse this as not parading, but instead showcasing the good conditions of their captivity. As I wrote earlier, they're probably eating better than they did at home.

The Geneva Convention makes no allowance for these sorts of videos one way or the other. It could certainly be argued that these videos create conditions for the arousal of public curiosity, which is explicitly forbidden by Article 13.

I think it was John Keegan who pointed out that conditions in the opponents' PoW camps is one of the things soldiers in combat take seriously and find out quickly through the grapevine anyway.
Not if it's true.
What is true? It would be an especially bad hospital that had conditions as bad or worse than the front, if that were so soldiers would so soldiers would stay at the front, as they did in the Crimean war before Nightingale arrived We will not find out what is true for years, if ever.
"True" is what actually is or was- there is only ONE truth. Weasel-wording truth doesn't change it.
Well, considering the murderous, civilian-targeting Russians they're facing, if this wanton PR exercise is the extent of Ukraine's Geneva Convention contraventions then I think we can give them a pass. They're trying to show the world and Russia that Ukraine is a humane player in this war.
"True" is what actually is or was- there is only ONE truth. Weasel-wording truth doesn't change it.
What you see in a video is true, unless actors are used. But with the video in question that is one man in one room. It may be a one room hospital, the only one in the country, or it may be the same as 500 other rooms in the same hospital. How much what you see in the video is representative of anything else is the big question and there isnt one answer to that.
Truth is truth. I'm not refering to any particular video or incident, just the concept of what is truth.
Truth is truth. I'm not refering to any particular video or incident, just the concept of what is truth.

Reality is objective, but how humans perceive reality is not; it is filtered through both perceptual and mental filters. It follows, then, that while what is true exists objectively, the human ability to grasp it may not exist, as a result of subjective perspectives. That necessarily twists what this or that person thinks of as true. This is a conundrum we must all deal with.

As much as I detest philosophy, epistemology is one of its few useful contributions to human thinking.

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