"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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I forgot to add that that was just my own opinion. :)
You don't have to. It is also a really good summation of how perceptions can take an objective argument and make it into a subjective one.
Even proven science can be discounted in favour of what is perceived to be correct. A good example is stomach ulcers. Even though
researchers proved that they are caused by a virus (I think) they were poo pooed by the psych industry as for over half a century there
had been a great little earner going in the stress causes ulcers field. It took one of the researchers to actually infect himself to bring on a stomach
ulcer before the majority would listen.

Russian propaganda regarding Ukraine is now at the stage where the definition of truth is being confused with the definition of ludicrous.
You don't have to. It is also a really good summation of how perceptions can take an objective argument and make it into a subjective one.
Even proven science can be discounted in favour of what is perceived to be correct. A good example is stomach ulcers. Even though
researchers proved that they are caused by a virus (I think) they were poo pooed by the psych industry as for over half a century there
had been a great little earner going in the stress causes ulcers field. It took one of the researchers to actually infect himself to bring on a stomach
ulcer before the majority would listen.

Russian propaganda regarding Ukraine is now at the stage where the definition of truth is being confused with the definition of ludicrous.

Put shortly, the world exists outside and apart from us, but what we sense, know, or understand of the world exists only between our ears.

As Frank Herbert wrote in his classic Dune: "Think you of the fact that a deaf person cannot hear. Then, what deafness may we not all possess? What senses do we lack that we cannot see and cannot hear another world all around us?"

Reality is firm, but so are the limits on knowledge. The wise man understands that what he thinks is true may only be a miniscule representation of what actually is.

I think I've had enough beer for tonight.
Hope this reporting is accurate:

I wonder if the silence of the last week or so is both sides fighting to limit the information-space around this battle? The Russians clearly wouldn't want to admit a defeat, and the Ukrainians have a vested interest in closing down speculation?

I sure hope this is true. As I wrote above, abandoning Kherson relieves some pressure from Odessa.

It'd be a real shame if the Russians found a Ukrainian brigade or two raiding behind Sevastopol.
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Hope this isn't true:

The Russians haven't done anything smartly in this war. I think they are setting what they believe is a trap in Kherson, but the AFU aren't stupid. If there is a large Russian force dug in, now that the civilian population has mostly fled, Kherson will be surrounded and cut off, leaving a huge number of Russian troops hungry and idle in Kherson whilst the AFU make a straight run for Crimea.

If Kherson is a trap, it's for the Russians. But credible media suggests the Russians are running.

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This is worth a read. Also recommend watching the video clip of Jeremy Bowen who provides interesting insights into the challenges of being a reporter in the middle of a war:

Anyone has seen another source of this?
If true, considering the range and payload of storm shadow, ATACMS would not be an escalation anymore. More like a de-escalation ;)

I keep skipping ahead in this thread to get past the propaganda debate.


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