"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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From your link:

"The Defense Department leadership giving advice to President Biden are products of the Army, and it was Army decision-making and leadership that made Operation Enduring Freedom the longest war in U.S. history—and a strategic loss," Deptula said. "They have no comprehension of the effective use of airpower in a concerted conventional campaign."

I can't argue for or against this, but I can see how COIN ops might skew the view of the application of airpower.
I think this is spot on. However, some of the points made by Dr Bronk in his discussion with Mooch a couple pages back would seem to indicate that the immediate need is to support the ground war, especially with a potent SAM umbrella, as airspace over the battlefield is essentially unsurvivable for manned aircraft above NOE. The need for air-to-air superiority can only be filled with an aircraft that can be serviced and flown from hidden dispersed sites, maintained in the field by a small team of semiskilled techs, and can acquire targets and launch long range AAMs from NOE altitudes and speeds. In his opinion only one aircraft in the world fits this requirement: the Gripen. Most Western air superiority fighters (and their AAMs) are "high and fast" machines designed to operate from elaborately equipped facilities in a SEAD cleansed environment, with AWACS and tanker support from nearby "safe" airspace. None of these conditions exist in Ukraine. S400s in Belarus, Russia, and Crimea dictate a NOE environment over most of Ukraine's airspace. Turkey and Hungary need to be gotten out of the way to let this happen.
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Looks like disappointing Leopard 2 news.

It's disappointing for sure but at the same time it seems that other countries are really seeing the huge opportunity that
has been presented to Ukraine given the hasty new 'offensive' by Russia. That looks like it will fizzle leaving real scope
for counter offensives in force to be able to cut right through Russian forces (especially if it includes reliable, up to date

One bright spot if Germany can muster a battalion and a half of Leopard 2 is that it equates to 2 Ukrainian battalions as
their organisation of units is different. A German tank battalion is 44 tanks. Ukrainian is 31.

There is still the need for more and definitely aircraft to back them up.
Well, we do know that Ukrainian forces are being training on various levels by NATO countries, and have been for a while.

One thing I have noticed, is that Ukraine plays it's cards close to it's vest - so these confusing news releases *may* be part of that shell game to keep Russia off balance.

It would not be unreasonable to think that the Ukraine military is keeping enough force in the field to hold Russia at bay, allowing just enough yield to allow Russian elements to get over confidant and then unleash another offensive when Russia is looking the other way.
One thing I have noticed, is that Ukraine plays it's cards close to it's vest - so these confusing news releases *may* be part of that shell game to keep Russia off balance.
I think that too, and hope that what's delivered is more than what's reported. Perhaps those "fourteen" Challenger 2 tanks keep turning up all across the front in multiple groups of fourteen.

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