"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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I'd rather see any offending individuals banned, rather than punish the entire readership when we've largely been quite apolitical. But it's not my decision to make.

We now have the ability to ban individuals from individual threads (not site bans).

And thread ban, will not be a permanent one. Just a short few hours to let people cool down,
That would be a dumb move by China. And for what purpose? No matter what aid China gives to Russia the latter won't win the war, but the former will for a generation be associated with evil.
China has become really full of themselves recently.

This attitude of theirs seems to parallel 1930's Imperial Japan, where they believed Asia belonged to them (under the auspices of s "Greater Prosparity Sphere") and like 1930's Imperial Japan, the leaders are military - the Communist Military Commision, which controls the military, answers to the National People's Congress, which has the same members on each board and the chairman of both is the party leader.

So if China seems to be militarily aggressive lately, that's because it is.
Which is reminiscent of other parties and leaders on the other side of the world. Whether in the thirties, or in the twenties (the "nows").
Like one of those circle of life kinda things.
For a good assessment/backgrounder I recommend this book:

Just a short few hours to let people cool down,
A naughty corner. I am amazed by the fact this so political laden thread, it has been civil and common sence like far most of the time.
And that for an internet thread. Who knew it could be like this?
And it still goes on.
I do go first here to get news and opinions. And lord and behold it isnt triffle what is written here mostly.
So cuddos for all involved in this thread.

Thanks to the cat wranglers for overseeing.

Absolutely, and the civility of this discussion is a testament to the amity and good-will most all of us share towards each other.
Item 3 should read:
"Russia. To suddenly, for no apparent reason, commit suicide by various means.
An employee of the Russian Defense Ministry committed suicide by falling up several flights of stairs and out a third storey window."

The Russian dictionary:

homicide [noun]:

1) Suicide; death by one's own hand. The oligarch committed homicide when he jumped out of a window at the Lubyanka.

2) the killing of a Russian soldier by the soldier of any nation invaded by Russia.

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