"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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That would be a dumb move by China. And for what purpose? No matter what aid China gives to Russia the latter won't win the war, but the former will for a generation be associated with evil.

Establish some short-term Russian reliance on China and profit in the short-term by selling excess arms. Long term it weakens Russia (which remains a strategic rival to China, rather than partner), as Russia will continue to spend blood and treasure in Ukraine

Weaken the US/West in the short term by forcing Ukraine's allies to continue to supply heavy volumes of armaments.
China has become really full of themselves recently.

This attitude of theirs seems to parallel 1930's Imperial Japan, where they believed Asia belonged to them (under the auspices of s "Greater Prosparity Sphere") and like 1930's Imperial Japan, the leaders are military - the Communist Military Commision, which controls the military, answers to the National People's Congress, which has the same members on each board and the chairman of both is the party leader.

So if China seems to be militarily aggressive lately, that's because it is.
Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. I agree- we are living in the 1930s all over again!
Establish some short-term Russian reliance on China and profit in the short-term by selling excess arms. Long term it weakens Russia (which remains a strategic rival to China, rather than partner), as Russia will continue to spend blood and treasure in Ukraine

Weaken the US/West in the short term by forcing Ukraine's allies to continue to supply heavy volumes of armaments.

And weaken west in preparation for when they do a Putin to Taiwan.
And weaken west in preparation for when they do a Putin to Taiwan.
One thing that may be over-looked, if China does test the U.S., is that U.S. aid to Ukraine has mostly drawn from Army stocks.

The U.S. Navy is still up to strength and in a slugfest, China will have a hard row to hoe. If the U.S. leaves it's xurrently stationed carrier group in the Mediterranean, it will still have 10 carriers at it's disposal to China's two.

Then there are the USN's 68 subs versus China's 66. However, while many people worry about "how many subs" China has, not all are on a level of the USN's. Many are conventional, older types and would be easy prey to any USN sub or ASW attack platform.

China really needs to rethink their position on Taiwan. Attacking it would be a major mistake not only on a military level, but on an economic level.

Starting a war with one of it's major revenue sources (along with it's allies) is not stupid, it's insane.
The U.S. Navy is still up to strength and in a slugfest, China will have a hard row to hoe. If the U.S. leaves it's xurrently stationed carrier group in the Mediterranean, it will still have 10 carriers at it's disposal to China's two.
We no longer have a monopoly on 24/7 surveillance of all the planet's oceans. Reputedly every US carrier force has a Chinese ICBM targeted on it's current location, updated continuously. "You can run but you cannot hide."
You mean like the Los Angeless and Ohios? Aren't they kind of long in the tooth these days, dating back to the Pre-Clancy era? Still the backbone of the fleet.

Even the old 688i's are a generation better than anything China has
One thing that may be over-looked, if China does test the U.S., is that U.S. aid to Ukraine has mostly drawn from Army stocks.

The U.S. Navy is still up to strength and in a slugfest, China will have a hard row to hoe. If the U.S. leaves it's xurrently stationed carrier group in the Mediterranean, it will still have 10 carriers at it's disposal to China's two.

Then there are the USN's 68 subs versus China's 66. However, while many people worry about "how many subs" China has, not all are on a level of the USN's. Many are conventional, older types and would be easy prey to any USN sub or ASW attack platform.

China really needs to rethink their position on Taiwan. Attacking it would be a major mistake not only on a military level, but on an economic level.

Starting a war with one of it's major revenue sources (along with it's allies) is not stupid, it's insane.

Everyone, that's the online talking heads, seems to be missing a crucial point.

The US is using Cold War left overs to arm Ukraine, and has spent barely 2% of its annual defence budget in the last year on this war.

In return, for the loss of not a SINGLE US Serviceman, the USA, (and NATO), has killed over 125,000 Orcs, destroyed 50% of their military vehicle park and and put Ruzzia on the path to a generation of bankruptcy.
And the Peoples Liberation Army Navy?


The last time the Chinese Navy fought any naval engagement was in 1895 during the 1st Sino-Japan War.

They lost - badly.

Well, in fairness, when was the last US Navy engagement against a maritime force? Leyte Gulf in October 1944? Granted, the USN maintained high proficiency during the Cold War...but it's still a LOOONG time since the USN participated in a true naval engagement.
One thing that may be over-looked, if China does test the U.S., is that U.S. aid to Ukraine has mostly drawn from Army stocks.

The U.S. Navy is still up to strength and in a slugfest, China will have a hard row to hoe. If the U.S. leaves it's xurrently stationed carrier group in the Mediterranean, it will still have 10 carriers at it's disposal to China's two.

Then there are the USN's 68 subs versus China's 66. However, while many people worry about "how many subs" China has, not all are on a level of the USN's. Many are conventional, older types and would be easy prey to any USN sub or ASW attack platform.

China really needs to rethink their position on Taiwan. Attacking it would be a major mistake not only on a military level, but on an economic level.

Starting a war with one of it's major revenue sources (along with it's allies) is not stupid, it's insane.
Recently the US have run a number of wargames should China invade Taiwan and combat breaks out between the US and China

There were a number of scenario's run and as you would expect the results varied. Overall the results showed that the Carriers were considerably less effective than USN submarines and in some, nearly all the carriers and their escorts were sunk or damaged sufficiently to withdraw from combat. Scores of ships from both sides being lost. It wasn't pretty reading.

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