"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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Actually, I don't think it will impact Putin much at all. China, India, the US and many other African, South American and Indo-Pacific countries are not signatories to the ICC.
Putin can travel to red/orange and some yellow countries. And I guess that despite being green in practice we can count Afghanistan as orange.
If I was him, however, I will avoid US.

Putin can travel to red/orange and some yellow countries. And I guess that despite being green in practice we can count Afghanistan as orange.
If I was him, however, I will avoid US.

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I think it could be an interesting retoric exercice for the US to detain Putin in ICC behalf while not been signatory. In the unlikely event uncle Vlad ever show there.

BTW, what if Putin try to show in the UN general assembly in NYC? Could he be barred entry?
Putin can travel to red/orange and some yellow countries. And I guess that despite being green in practice we can count Afghanistan as orange.
If I was him, however, I will avoid US.

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He would still have to be careful in doing that. If this flight flew over any green countries they could divert it and force it to land.
All of you have probably read how fast Poland is arming: f-16, f-35, FA-50, hundreds of HIMARS, artillery, Abrams, black panther, ...

Thing is they may even be considering using them ...

"So either Ukraine will defend its independence today, and if not, we will be forced to join this conflict"
"So either Ukraine will defend its independence today, and if not, we will be forced to join this conflict"
That's a stupid thing to say, one that I can only hope is lost in translation. Ukraine is defending its independence today, and has since it was first invaded in 2014. Has our Polish friend any evidence to suggest Ukraine will not defend its independence?

I think the adjective "successfully" is implied. I can certainly understand the Polish discomfort with having Russia right on its border given the last 400 years of history, and if they thought Russia was winning out they would intervene -- at least that's how I read his comments.

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