"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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USA attacked Irak 20 years ago and was not expelled from NATO, I don't see why Poland attacking Russia should be different.

Anyway, what I understood is that he was suggesting to directly intervene in the Ukraine war on the side of Ukraine if Ukraine starts to lose badly, and not attacking Russia directly.
By the way, he already retracted his words, should we take it as a confirmation?

New military aid package for Ukraine announced by the USA this morning.

Also, announced today by the EU is an 18 country coalition to provide Ukraine with 1 million rounds of artillery ammunition
What I like about this batch of support is an increasing emphasis on the type of equipment needed to move to the offence, in particular.
  • Demolition munitions and equipment for obstacle clearing;
  • Mine clearing equipment;
  • Heavy fuel tankers;
Armoured bridge laying equipment was I think included in the last package.

I certainly could be getting optimistic, but the groundwork seems to be getting in place
...and to think that I once (a couple of decades ago...) thought that Medvedev seemed like a somewhat reasonable guy. There was a link in a post way up-thread about the survival techniques employed by Putin's closer associates - namely, the strategy of uttering blatantly ridiculous, lunatic garbage, as a way to appear even more 'committed' (and he should be....) to the cause, and there for at once appearing (i) politically reliable and (ii) a loony; and therefore, clearly not a threat to the Supreme Leader......
There is the line "What interests my boss fascinates me..."

Poland just captured a bunch of Russian saboteurs. IF they had actually competed their mission Poland could definitely have claimed that Russia had attacked it on its own soil and therefore it is now defending itself.

If the Poles let the next lot blow up something then they have SOME justification. Not a lot but enough for many.
I didn't know the EU had an arsenal of artillery shells, separate from the jurisdiction of individual member states.

From the source:

The first part of the plan commits €1bn ($1.06bn; £863m) of shared funding for EU states to draw upon their existing stockpiles, with the hope of sending this to Ukraine by the end of May.​
The second part of the deal would see a further €1bn used to jointly order 155mm shells for Ukraine - the most sought-after artillery rounds.​

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