"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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I came across the original post for this video. It is actually part of a series of videos and suspect others on here will find them interesting. It is on the telegram app in Ukrainian. I viewed them on the web using Google Chrome to translate to English, but most of the videos are too large to view on the web "preview" and have to be viewed in the Telegram App. For those that don't want to use the Telegram App, I would suggest at least going to the web version and reading the descriptions translated to English (for those that don't speak Ukrainian). The video series starts on March 24th: К2 54 ОМБр The video after the one with the tank firing directly into the trench is even more shocking. The tank drove directly over the trench multiple times, even briefly getting stuck several times!!! (Graphic Warning) At one point as the tracks were spinning, digging away, trying to get the tank unstuck, the track spits out a Russian who had been in the trench. It was only after this that an IFV with troops arrives and the infantry secures the site. Apparently the trench was first held by 8 Ukrainian troops and was attacked by about 30 Russians. The first few videos are of this engagement and it does not look good for either side. A caption then states the Ukrainians retreated and the next videos are of the Ukrainians taking it back. As an aviation guy not knowing much about tanks, I have found all of the tank and armored vehicle information in this thread very interesting and educational. One of my former flight students as a tanker in Gulf 1, he had a passionate hatred towards A-10s, but I digress. Hope others find this video series as interesting, and somber, as I do.

Edit: The last video of the series is a narrative about the event.
If anyone finds this video with English subtitles, please post a link. From the description of the video:

K2 combatant Kyrylo Veres reveals the secrets and progress of the "T-pattern" operation.
* Why was it decided to crush the enemy's infantry with a tank?
* How did the Russian prisoner who spent more than 20 hours underground feel after that?
* What dream of the T-72 Sokil tank commander came true?
* How is the battle being managed and is there a connection with the tankers?.
You will find the answers to these and other questions in this video
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S.O.S. is ambrosia of the Gods!
Ok, so what gods are we talking about here?

Pretty sure the Roman and Norse gods would have violently ripped the soul from the heretic cook that served them SoS.

Now I can't vouch for the Summarian or Hindu gods, but I suspect they may have done the same.

The Egyptian gods on the otherhand, *may* have gone for it, but I wouldn't want to be the one to put it to the test...

April 6 (Reuters) - The head of Russia's private Wagner militia said on Thursday that Ukrainian forces were not abandoning the city of Bakhmut but that, even if they did, he would need more support from the regular military before trying to advance further.

President Volodymyr Zelenskiy had on Wednesday raised the prospect of a withdrawal from the city, saying Kyiv would take the "corresponding" decisions if its forces risked being encircled by Russian troops.

Wagner forces are leading the battle for the city, which has become the bloodiest of the 13-month war, and Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu has said its capture would open up the battlefield and allow Russia to advance further into eastern Ukraine.

But Yevgeny Prigozhin, who has accused the military top brass of ineffectiveness bordering on treason in recent months, said this was still some way off.

"It must be said clearly that the enemy is not going anywhere," he said on his Telegram channel.

He said Ukrainian troops had organised staunch defences inside the city, particularly along railway lines and in high-rise buildings in the west of the city, and that, if they fell back, they would take up new positions in the outskirts and in Chasiv Yar to the west.

"That's why, in my opinion, there's no talk for now of any [Russian] offensive."


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