"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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It's all according to the plan. Or not exactly all.


It seems just as clear to me that their stockpiles of missiles and drones are indeed close to exhaustion -- or are they hoarding them in anticipation of the much-telegraphed Ukrainian offensive? Hitting railway nodes or indeed more power stations could work to slow it down.
What if he's actually talking in code to hide his predictions of Russia's future?

Go to any of his statements that he's made about Ukraine and swap the word "Ukraine" with the word "Russia", it becomes clear that he's a cleverly disguised Nostradamus V2.0!
I love this part

At the same time, the city council denies everything. They say there have been no emergencies. The press service of the Emergency Situations Ministry in Voronezh Oblast also reported that there were no calls for fire and rescue units

Must have decided to let the place burn down
All the Russian propaganda always goes this way: looking at the mirror and apply all their own problems (and a crimes too) to the West. And to Ukraine now. And to whoever considered as enemy of the Russian World / Soviet Camp for today .
And this rather primitive method works fine for the entire last Century - inside Russia, of course.
The wording of the last sentence or so seems a bit "Lavrovian". I don't doubt that all economies have more resiliency than I would think. The article implied to me that Russia is only slightly hampered by sanctions.
In regards to earlier posts regarding CRAZY enough to survive, I think Medvedev just raised the Loony bar.

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