"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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I like one joke in the comments, it's worth to quote it here:

A Russian battalion was moving through Ukraine when a loud speak came on from behind a hill and said "1 Ukrainian soldier is worth 10 Russians". Angered the Russian commander sent his best 10 soldiers. a small fire fight broke out, when it was over the loud speaker came on again "1 Ukrainian is worth 100 Russians". The Russian commander sent his next 100 best troops. A big fight fight broke out and after a few minutes it all when quiet untill the loud speaker flared up again " 1 Ukrainian is worth 1000 Russians". Absolutely enraged the Russian commander mustered 1000 men and sent them over the hill. All hell broke loose guns and bombs going off explosions, then after a half hour is went quiet. One lone seriously wounded Russian soldier crawled back over the hill and told his commander "don't send any more men. It's a trap there's 2 of them!!!"
Russian media are already writing the headlines for this one "See? We TOLD you we were fighting NATO!!!":

Of course, as "special" as the special forces are, less than a hundred operatives won't change the course of a full-scale invasion. I suspect these teams are providing training in rear areas rather than undertaking active operations (imagine the propaganda coup if one of them were to be captured).
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Yes, because it's much more honorable to take upcoming defeat from NATO, the whole planet Earth, or Intergalaxy Federation than from "non-existent", as Russians say, Ukraine and Ukrainians.
Because it leads to inevitable questions about "invincible and legendary Red Army" and all of it's so-called "victories" in the past.
The Russian version.jpg
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Russian media are already writing the headlines for this one "See? We TOLD you we were fighting NATO!!!":

Of course, as "special" as the special forces are, less than a hundred operatives won't change the course of a full-scale invasion. I suspect these teams are providing training in rear areas rather than undertaking active operations (imagine the propaganda coup if one of them were to be captured).
There has been NATO personnel in Ukraine (of various, but limited numbers) since the invasion began.

From several articals I've read iver the past year, they're mainly at a Ukrainian base near the Polish border.

I like one joke in the comments, it's worth to quote it here:

A Russian battalion was moving through Ukraine when a loud speak came on from behind a hill and said "1 Ukrainian soldier is worth 10 Russians". Angered the Russian commander sent his best 10 soldiers. a small fire fight broke out, when it was over the loud speaker came on again "1 Ukrainian is worth 100 Russians". The Russian commander sent his next 100 best troops. A big fight fight broke out and after a few minutes it all when quiet untill the loud speaker flared up again " 1 Ukrainian is worth 1000 Russians". Absolutely enraged the Russian commander mustered 1000 men and sent them over the hill. All hell broke loose guns and bombs going off explosions, then after a half hour is went quiet. One lone seriously wounded Russian soldier crawled back over the hill and told his commander "don't send any more men. It's a trap there's 2 of them!!!"
About Bakhmut.

I've been on vacation since March 31, totally disconnected of the war (and more importantly, work)

When I left, the fall of Bakhmut was imminent. I see it's still imminent.

Ohh, wait ..... the fall of Bakhmut has been imminent for the last 9 months.
Not sure if the linky will work but it seems Russia is transferring TOS-1A thermobaric weapon launchers to the VDV and, crucially, that the VDV is replacing Wagner in/around Bakhmut:

Russia redeploying 'heavy flamethrower' thermobaric weapons to elite frontline troops

There were reports of thermobaric weapon use by Russia early in the conflict. However, they aren't usually deployed with traditional manoeuvre brigades. I'm nervous that use of the TOS-1A may give Russian forces a key advantage in Bakhmut. Thermobaric weapons are really good for clearing wide areas, including adversary troops in trenches or even inside buildings.

Hopefully the TOS-1As will be put on the Ukrainian high priority target lists and engaged ASAP. I'd hate to see the results of thermobaric detonations on the Ukrainian defenders of Bakhmut.

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