"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (12 Viewers)

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I wonder:-
a) How clever he feels now
b) How long before he see's fresh air again

We'll, let's see…up to 10 years in prison for each count. And each individual document is a count. He'll likely have turned to dust before he's let out.

I'm not normally one to pre-judge a trial but I can't recall a situation before that was so clear cut. The documents were first posted on a closed forum of which there were only 20-30 members, and only one of them had access to classified material.

As Greg Boeser Greg Boeser said…the guy is a moron!
Dont blame the boozo. Why was it possible in the first place. That is far more worrying then that little man. It is the people who should have made this impossible with high ranks etc that should sweat right now i think.

What the beep has a member of the air national guard have to do with document about ukr?
Dont blame the boozo. Why was it possible in the first place. That is far more worrying then that little man. It is the people who should have made this impossible with high ranks etc that should sweat right now i think.

Sorry but access to classified material is granted on an individual basis and it's the individual's job to protect the material.
This wanker deliberately printed off material, took it home, photographed it and then posted it on the internet. It's all on him, I'm afraid.

The only exception would be if local security procedures (e.g. two-person rule) were broken. No doubt there will be an investigation into how he was able to get material out of his place of work. However, he clearly circumvented procedures which shows, IMHO, a degree of premeditation.
Having been slightly in US Army intel, I'd want to know his grade, MOS & security clearance before having any idea of how he got hold of the documents. But I do have no doubt that the morn did propagate them.

For example, it is certainly possible that he compromised a document vault at a state level guard HQ for example that he should not have had clearance to, in which case others should go down too. It remains to be seen.
Sounds like moron to me. It's telling that he leaked stuff on a gamer site. Trying to show off. Like the clowns who post TS schematics on game sites to prove that that tank, or plane, or missile system should be better in the game.
I bet most online game sites are intel gathering sites. What better way to get info for free?

Four prime motivations for leaking/espionage: money, ego, ideology, and/or anger.

This seems at first glance to be ego, but who's to say?

Either way a rat's a rat. Break its neck when you see one ... after the interrogation, of course.
Sorry but access to classified material is granted on an individual basis and it's the individual's job to protect the material.
This wanker deliberately printed off material, took it home, photographed it and then posted it on the internet. It's all on him, I'm afraid.

The only exception would be if local security procedures (e.g. two-person rule) were broken. No doubt there will be an investigation into how he was able to get material out of his place of work. However, he clearly circumvented procedures which shows, IMHO, a degree of premeditation.

Not to exculpate the leaker, but Snautzer01 Snautzer01 has a point. Why would an ANG guy have access to, say, diplomatic intel about South Korea or Israel? There's no need-to-know. He's an intel guy (102nd Intelligence Wing), apparently, but how would what he knew comport to his actual job?

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