"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (8 Viewers)

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Ok, everyone, I have promised a more complete explanation and update of the forum rules on politics, and I have been neglecting that for various reasons.

I will finally get you that this week.

Having said that, just a reminder. The forum still has a "no politics" rule. It has just been eased. Any discussion that is partisan and will obviously spur political policy debate, or is inflammatory in any way is still NOT allowed, and NEVER will be. There are plenty of other places where you can hate, bash, discriminate, and have your partisan fix all you want. Go to those places and have all the dividing fun you want.


This is the type of leaks that make me think thta even if not intentional, at least it was a "somewhat controlled" leak.
I think you can express your opinions (what you just posted is nothing more than opinion as well) in a more civil and polite manner.
i didn't noticed anything rude in what i've said - for sure not in fact that i've tried to turn somebody's attention to the fact that before expressing his/or just influenced opinion is good to make short investigation - especially considering situation that our days are full of half-truths and misleading information. If you are finding this not politically correct please accept my deepest apologies .... and confession that i'm finding in such cases political correctness unnecessary kindness..
i didn't noticed anything rude in what i've said - for sure not in fact that i've tried to turn somebody's attention to the fact that before expressing his/or just influenced opinion is good to make short investigation - especially considering situation that our days are full of half-truths and misleading information. If you are finding this not politically correct please accept my deepest apologies .... and confession that i'm finding in such cases political correctness unnecessary kindness..

It has nothing to do with being politically correct or not. I'm simply saying don't assume someone is "under-informed" and then instruct them how to post about something.

I should have worded my post to you differently, however. It was not my intent to say you were being rude. My apologies in those regards.

View: https://twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1647968626576687111?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

I do hope this implies that it isn't just Teixeira going down for his egotism...

Turns out to be related to an undercover effort by PRC police against dissidents located in the US. So, very much related to national security but a very different circumstance.

details here:

More still needs to happen on the other case
i think tyou shouldn't express your opinions in a matter you seems to be seriously underinformed - this particular issue is very complex one - ban has been issued because of: first - economical reasons (ukrainian products instead being just transferred simply flooded EU's food market causing sell collapse for local farmers- food production industry is matter of, let's call this justified protectionism, in every country - US is not excluded from this); second- political reasons - incoming election this fall - political forces running government must react somehow; third - there are some enountiations indicating criminal background of whole issue...
Neglecting the fact that I wasn't editorializing, I am quite aware of those issues; while I don't follow either Polish or Hungarian politics (for one thing, I don't know either language), I was aware that Ukrainian agricultural products were disrupting Polish and Hungarian agricultural economics through reduction in the prices producers could get for their goods. Farmers are frequently a very powerful political group, often out of proportion to either their numbers or their economic value, but, more importantly any country's government -- especially a democratic one -- relies on its people's support.

I'm not judging either government in this regard, although I think banning trans-shipment is worse than banning the import. After all, Ukraine's farmers have bills, too, and Ukrainian grain is important to the food security of many countries. Ukraine's access to Black Sea ports isca bit restricted right now.

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