"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Bugger being anyone running against him.
Yeah, I don't see Yulia Tymoshenko stepping up this time - but she is a bit of a nutter. Petro Poroshenko seems like a good man, allowing for a smooth transition of power, and may run after Zelenskyy's second term. But unless JHC himself runs, it's all over if retired general and hero of Ukraine, Valerii Zaluzhnyi wants the job after Zelenskyy.
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President Biden is facing pressure from within his own party to send fighter jets and longer range missiles to Ukraine, as Russia continues to inflict daily death and destruction through aerial attacks.

Members of congress from both parties have called on Biden to supply Ukraine with long-range rocket artillery, called ATACMS, and modern F-16 fighter jets. The administration has so far refused, saying that the U.S. can't spare any ATACMS systems and that jets aren't a priority.

But the U.S. pledge in January to provide M1 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine earlier this spring, after months of opposition from the White House, has given cause for optimism that the administration may come around to providing even heavier weaponry.

For the most hawkish members of both parties, F-16s and long-range missiles are the logical next step. The equipment could be key in the defense of Ukrainian people and any offensive push against Russian positions, the lawmakers argue — and some U.S. military leaders agree.

Mods, if this is too political, you have my apologies, and please delete this post. I just thought it important to point out that support for F-16s and ATACMS to Ukraine has bipartisan support here.
i dont have an issue with it.
reporting what people are asking for is ok.

now if it suddenly descends into an argument along party lines then that's different i think .
more seasoned mods may take a different view and i'll leave it for them for now.

Exactly, above is the type of political post that is allowed.

Thanks for taking a look at it, Richie and Adler.
Members of congress from both parties have called on Biden to supply Ukraine with long-range rocket artillery, called ATACMS, and modern F-16 fighter jets.
Even if Biden gave the go ahead today on F-16s I would think it would be well into post-war 2025 before they enter service in Ukraine. AFAIK, the only western-designed aircraft provided thus far to Ukraine after more than a year of this war are a trio of ex-Royal Navy Sea Kings, stripped out of their ASW kit and serving as transports. US-origin combat aircraft seems to be a line Biden will not cross. Have the French or Swedes offered any Mirages/Rafales or Gripens? Again, delivery before mid-2024 at the earliest seems unlikely.

Now, if Egypt can be reassured by Biden and friends that Russia won't stomp them later, perhaps Cairo can be convinced to release their MiG-29s, with their variant being more advanced that Ukraine's.

That looks unlikely though.

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As I've mentioned before, what we read and what's really going in seem to be two different things.

Considering that just about any military Academy on the planet stresses air power preserves and protects forces on the ground, statements like "fighters are not a priority" are head-scratchers at first glance.

Earlier this year, there was a headline reporting that Britain was training Ukrainian pilots on a "NATO compatible fighter".

Also earlier this year, there were two Ukrainian pilots being evaluated with F-16s in the U.S.

At the same time, an article out of Poland said it was ready to train Ukrainian pilots on the F-16.

So something's going on, we (and the Russians) are not privy to what that may be.

But I'm sure we'll find out about the same time the Russians do.
Perhaps the "two" Ukrainians training on F-16s are generic Dmytros and Andriys, but there are actually a hundred of each.
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i dont have an issue with it.
reporting what people are asking for is ok.

now if it suddenly descends into an argument along party lines then that's different i think .
more seasoned mods may take a different view and i'll leave it for them for now.

And that's a win for the newbie moderator!

BTW, thanks, Rochie, for stepping up to help manage the cats here!
I do worry that Ukraine has only this one chance to get their counteroffensive right. I don't think NATO will offering many more modern MBTs or rocket artillery systems, for example. With this in mind I can understand why Ukraine is waiting for the right moment. On the other hand, if Russia can somehow shatter the coming counteroffensive will Ukraine be able to regroup for another attempt and also hold back a new Russian swarm?
I see many similarities between Iran - Iraq war and Ukraine - Russia war, from any POV.

I strongly agree with you, about the chance, but I don't think, it's "the only chance".

Maybe something similar to small scale operations [both defensive and offensive] done by the Army, the invader must be stabilized, then look for a good starting point, doable with available manpower and equipment in the area. Maybe even a series of very small diversionary attacks.
Russia I think needs to be careful regarding what they wish for. If it came to air to air combat, I know where my money will be

Russian pilots tried to "dogfight" US jets over Syria, according to a spokesman for US Central Command, part of a recent pattern of more aggressive behavior.
The attempts have happened in several of the most recent instances of aggressive behavior from Russian pilots, Col. Joe Buccino said.
The Russian pilots do not appear to be trying to shoot down American jets, a US official told CNN, but they may be trying to "provoke" the US and "draw us into an international incident."

In military aviation, dogfighting is engaging in aerial combat, often at relatively close ranges.

A video released by US Central Command from April 2 shows a Russian SU-35 fighter jet conducting an "unsafe and unprofessional" intercept of a US F-16 fighter jet.

A second video from April 18 shows a Russian fighter that violated coalition airspace and came within 2,000 feet of a US aircraft, a distance a fighter jet can cover in a matter of seconds.

Over the last several years, the US and have used a deconfliction line between the two militaries in Syria to avoid unintentional mistakes or encounters that can inadvertently lead to escalation.

US officials have reached out to their Russian counterparts over the recent incidents, and the Russians have responded, the official said, but "never in a way that acknowledges the incident."

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