"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (7 Viewers)

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Just some statistics from the Air Force. According to its speaker Yuri Ignat, the total number of Russian missiles and drones used in the autumn-winter "missile offensive" was about 1,700. 1,500 targets were intercepted/destroyed by the Air Defence.
Source (in Ukrainian):
When just smoking isn't enough:

Wow!! You can't make this shit up...
Putting this here even though it is only tangentially linked - Mods please move elsewhere or otherwise if you see fit:

I read this and think we may well have dodged another mass shooting incident.
Putting this here even though it is only tangentially linked - Mods please move elsewhere or otherwise if you see fit:

I read this and think we may well have dodged another mass shooting incident.

I read that yesterday and had the same thought, that it might belong here, and that we may have dodged another tragedy.

What I read this morning is that USAF is reviewing its policies and procedures for the granting of clearances. Better late than never, I suppose, even if the horse is already out of the barn.
In the last few days I noticed an increased partisan activity. And that is only what is available in the news.
Assuming the "Donetsk People's Republic" and "Luhansk People's Republic" are overrun by the AFU this year, I don't think there will ever again be powerful and armed Russian-centric separatist groups/gangs in Ukraine. Never is a long time I admit, so we can't know for certain, but I expect Zelenskyy to order a purge, at ground level leaning towards la Terreur, to clear out any Ukrainian residents who would prefer to be Russians. At best they'll be collected, railed and bused to the border with Russia and pushed over.

31 March 2024 is the next scheduled presidential election in Ukraine. I don't imagine Zelensky will use the war as a justification to cancel/delay the election and hold onto power - that's just a little too Putin-like. Churchill (as head of HM gov't, not of state) and FDR both stood for election during war time, demonstrating that the people, not the man, lead the country in all times of war and peace. That said, Zelensky would win his second and likely last election (Ukraine's constitution allows only two consecutive terms) by a landslide.
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