"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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I know this! But their effort is next to nothing, compared to the scale of fightings. Even right now, every day a series of new minefields or unexploded ammo discovers in Europa, or anywhere else. No talk about lives that these "hidden soldiers" take.
Again, I have to point out that it is an active battlefield so hardly the time for doing cleanups. That said, work is happening in the rear areas where practical and the need is recognised. I know that I have personally donated to funds to support said mine clean ups.
Again, I have to point out that it is an active battlefield so hardly the time for doing cleanups. That said, work is happening in the rear areas where practical and the need is recognised. I know that I have personally donated to funds to support said mine clean ups.
I wish I could help too! Specially that my country is also effected by these ruthless undead stealth killers.
This war will end, sooner or later!!! But "minefields" and "unexploded ammo" will remain... Just like they remained from WW1 to this day... No one will ever care to clean the coming mess.

And recently there was an article on a 17 year old who invented a new low cost mine detector,
Home made demining drone:

View: https://twitter.com/AlexRaptor94/status/1650640646535774213?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1650640646535774213%7Ctwgr%5E2028d4daf76382f89e4a2213202bd7b4e0ca6636%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thedrive.com%2Fthe-war-zone%2Fmig-31-foxbat-bursts-into-flames-before-crashing-in-russia
April 27 (Reuters) - The anti-tank ditches near Ukraine's occupied southeastern town of Polohy stretch for 30 km (19 miles). Behind are rows of concrete "dragon's teeth" barricades. Further back are defensive trenches where Russia's troops will be positioned.

The defences visible in satellite imagery taken by Capella Space are part of a vast network of Russian fortifications sweeping down from western Russia through eastern Ukraine and on to Crimea built in readiness for a major Ukrainian attack.

Graphic: How Russia has heavily fortified swathes of Ukraine

Thousands of Ukrainian troops have been training in the West to use different military assets on the battlefield in a combined way ahead of a counteroffensive Ukrainian officials say will come when its forces are ready.

Reuters has reviewed satellite images of thousands of defensive positions inside both Russia and along Ukrainian front lines that show it is most heavily defended in the southern Zaporizhzhia region and the gateway to the Crimean Peninsula.

Six military experts said the defences, mostly built in the wake of Ukraine's rapid autumn advances, could make it harder for Ukraine this time and that progress would hinge on its ability to carry out complex, combined operations effectively.

"It's not the numbers for the Ukrainians. It's can they do this kind of warfare, combined arms operations?" said Neil Melvin, an analyst at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). "The Russians have shown they can't do it and they've gone back to their old Soviet method of attrition."

A Ukrainian counteroffensive could change the dynamics of a war that has slowed into a bloody battle of attrition and military experts say the length of the front could stretch Russia's defences.

If Kyiv can wrest back control of the south, it could regain unimpeded access to its Black Sea export routes at a time when Russia has signalled it may slam the grain corridor shut.

Ukraine may not receive another large injection of armoured hardware from the West any time soon, which is putting pressure on Kyiv to retake as much land as possible in case military support begins to wane, military experts say.

"We've cleaned out most of the stocks in the West," said Melvin. "It's going to take some years to rebuild. I think this is (Ukraine's) big opportunity to press on."

Still plenty of airplanes left!
MiG-31 crash

*if* Russia didn't have it's head up it's ass, they would have their air assets in Ukraine where they're needed, instead of putting on "shows" of force (aka "training flights) in the Baltics or off the West Coast of the U.S.

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