"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Even overseas, he has to register as a foreign agent, unless he renounces his citizenship. I can just see him in the hands of a snatch squad, sent home to stand trial for treason, just like Tokyo Rose. Couldn't happen to a "nicer" guy!

I found the emails from him to his bosses most interesting.

It may well be that the sudden settlement was because Murdoch and Faux News were worried he would say something like "I was just following explicit verbal orders" during the trial. Just think of how that would have gone down.

I always thought of him as ankles. Three feet lower than a (choose your own word).
Your employer is your wife? What a coincidence, my wife thinks I work for her too!

FYI I jest!

At least about the first part...



My she who thinks she should be obeyed is a bit like that too.

This probably should be in Jokes but it is relevant right here and now


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This war will end, sooner or later!!! But "minefields" and "unexploded ammo" will remain... Just like they remained from WW1 to this day... No one will ever care to clean the coming mess.
Actually I disagree. This is a recognised problem and there are already people and organisations working to solve, even in Ukraine. It is obviously limited in what can be done right now while the bullets are flying.
I know this! But their effort is next to nothing, compared to the scale of fightings. Even right now, every day a series of new minefields or unexploded ammo discovers in Europa, or anywhere else. No talk about lives that these "hidden soldiers" take.
Actually I disagree. This is a recognised problem and there are already people and organisations working to solve, even in Ukraine. It is obviously limited in what can be done right now while the bullets are flying.

And recently there was an article on a 17 year old who invented a new low cost mine detector,

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