"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (6 Viewers)

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It may well be that this is they, Detachment-Z (zombies)

Sevastopol, 2022.jpg
''...The newly granted permission by the United States and other allies to use Western weapons to strike inside Russia has had a huge impact, Bankir said. "We have destroyed targets inside Russia, which allowed for several successful counteroffensives. The Russian military can no longer feel impunity and security...''

''...We can see the impact of the aid every day. Artillery, longer-range multiple launch rocket systems with various types of ammunition and submunitions… it's affecting the overall battlefield picture...''

''...If it had not been for the supplemental package, Ukrainians would be in a much worse situation right now, but at the same time, the current situation is not only the result of a lack of actions by the US Congress, it's also the result of the decisions that were made and were not made in Kyiv, especially when it comes to mobilization...''


I know that this might seem naive, but I am constantly amazed/appalled at the utter moral bankruptcy of Russian society. It seems to be at every level - every single individual (I know it can't really be ALL of them.....) is attempting to grift every other Russian. It's truly mind-boggling.............

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