"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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Of all the weapons systems touted as a game changer, the drone has truly changed the game.

It is the key takeaway from this war. It has taken 80s/90s doctrine and thrown it back into the trenches. It is also energizing the oncoming era of unmanned wingmen.

I'm pretty sure Taiwan looks a much tougher nut to crack nowadays, to the Chinese. Chinese LCACs being attacked by $5000 drones ... yeah, Beijing is worried.
It is the key takeaway from this war. It has taken 80s/90s doctrine and thrown it back into the trenches. It is also energizing the oncoming era of unmanned wingmen.

I'm pretty sure Taiwan looks a much tougher nut to crack nowadays, to the Chinese. Chinese LCACs being attacked by $5000 drones ... yeah, Beijing is worried.
Though on that front:

Though on that front:

I'm sure the Chinese are watching this war. No doubt many nations are working on both developing and addressing drones. I'm not sure how any nation can counter drones-on a cost-effective basis. Drones leverage serious advantages either by being cheap, controlled munitions, or by being cheap, autonomous munitions. Might give a longer life to CIWS. But it greatly complicates air defense.

If Moore's Law is any guide drones will be a problem for all militaries for some time to come.

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