Allison V-12 varients?

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Chief Master Sergeant
Nov 24, 2007
Little Norway, U.S.A.
I did some searching here, and on the net, but I've never found a site that lists all the varients of the Allison V-1710, during its life and explains what those differences are.

Does anybody know of one?

Thanks for the replies.
I actually have that P-40 site bookmarked and it is full of great information.
While a book would be a great resource, I was more hoping for mention of a website.

You know, that might do the trick.
I took a look at that one last night, after it was mentioned in the other Allison thread.
Surprisingly concise.
Also, I remember I failed to thank you (in the other thread) for linking that, so I'll say so here.
Thanks, that's a great site.


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