Allison V-3420 implementation

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The Packard X-2775 or 1A-2775 is an interesting engine:

1A-2775 - Supercharged (1928 )
Bore: 5.375in/136.525mm
Stroke: 5in/127mm
Weight: 1635lb/742kg
Rated power: 1400hp/1044kW @2600rpm
Maximum power: 1500hp/1119kW @ 2700rpm

2A-2775 - Supercharged (1935)
Weight: 1722lb/781kg
Rated power: 1900hp/1417kW @2800rpm

An interesting engine. Undersquare dimensions (stroke smaller than bore) and quite light for its capacity. 1900hp in 1935 is impressive - wonder what was wrong with it?

It is possibly a little lightweight for further development. Compare Buzzard/R with later Griffon in terms of weight. 1140lb/517kg for the Buzzard, 1640lb/744kg for the R (including that massive supercharger with double sided impeller) and the Griffon 65 at 1980lb/900kg.

It also appears to have angles of 60°/120°/60°/120° rather than the 90°/90°/90°/90° of the X-4520 and later Vulture and DB604. So it will be taller, but narrower.

The 2A-2775 has a power rating of about what the AAC wanted for their XBLR (the XB-15 and XB-16), but couldn't get.

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