Alternate History: German Airforce vs Czechoslovak Airforce 1938

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Airman 1st Class
Jun 13, 2016
I think this would be an interesting subject because if I'm not mistaken the best BF-109 the Germans had was the BF-109D but there are barely any of them. Only 58 of BF-109C's and most of them being BF-109B's.

Looking deep into details of this could be fun
It is an interesting what-if. In addition to the hardware, though, we need to see some information about the level of training of the Czechoslovakian Air Force. I know that the Luftwaffe had significant combat experience because of Germany's active involvement in the Spanish Civil War.
It is an interesting what-if. In addition to the hardware, though, we need to see some information about the level of training of the Czechoslovakian Air Force.
And the political and military willpower to take the initiative. The Czechs must militarize their border with Germany before Britain and France allow Germany to take the Sudetenland in May 1938.
The b35 itself would have been a serious problem for the Luftwaffe as it had a number of advantages over the Bf109 c/d.
The PZL 37 bombers were second to none but without fighter cover were vulnerable. The PZL 11 was obsolete so the outcome without the B35 would have been inevitable
Hello, could you outline what advantages please?

PZL 37? Are you saying Czechoslovakian AND Poland against Germany?
This came up in an earlier thread. I had asked about Czechoslovakian mobilization. I wondered how strong the will was to mobilize with a large portion of the population having pro German feelings. That would be something to take into account.
I wondered how strong the will was to mobilize with a large portion of the population having pro German feelings.
The Sudeten German population wasn't large enough to cripple Czechoslovakian mobilization, although it would have caused problems. When the Czechoslovakian military mobilized in response to the war scare at the beginning of the crisis, about 90% of the Sudeten German reservists showed up.

Has anyone seen a detailed air order of battle for the Czechoslovakian air force? What about the Luftwaffe (especially precise models)?
1st Air Regiment "T. G. Masaryka"
I/1 Wing HQ at Hradec Králové​
1st Squadron Š.328 at Hradec Králové​
2nd Squadron Š.328 at Táboře​
61st Squadron A.100 and B.71 at Hradec Králové​
II/1 Wing HQ at Milovice​
3rd Squadron Š.328 at Milovice​
6th Squadron Š.328 at Milovice​
66th Squadron A.100 at Milovice​
III/1 Wing HQ at Hradec Králové​
31st Squadron B.534 at Hradec Králové​
32nd Squadron B.534 at Hradec Králové​
34th Squadron B.534 at Hradec Králové​
4th Squadron (independent) S.328 at Plzni​
11th Squadron (independent) S.328 at Kbelích​
Support and training units​

2nd Air Regiment "Dr. Edvarda Beneše"
I/2 Wing HQ at Olomouc​
5th Squadron Š.328 at Olomouc​
14th Squadron Š.328 at Olomouc​
61st Squadron A.100 and B.71 at Olomouc​
II/2 Wing HQ at Vyškov​
7th Squadron Š.328 at Vyškov​
8th Squadron Š.328 at Vyškov​
62nd Squadron A.100 at Vyškov​
III/2 Wing HQ at Hradec Králové​
33rd Squadron B.534 at Olomouc​
35th Squadron B.534 at Olomouc​
66th Squadron B.534 at Olomouc​
61st Squadron B.534 at Olomouc​
Support and training units​

3rd Air Regiment "Generala letce Milana Rastislava Štefánika"
I/3 Wing HQ at Vajnory​
9th Squadron Š.328 at Vajnory​
64th Squadron Š.328 at Vajnory​
II/3 Wing HQ at Spišská Nová Ves​
12th Squadron Š.328 at Spišské Nové Ves​
13th Squadron Š.328 at Spišské Nové Ves​
49th Squadron B.534 at Spišské Nové Ves​
III/3 Wing HQ at Piešt'any​
37th Squadron B.534 at Piešt'any​
38th Squadron B.534 at Piešt'any​
39th Squadron B.534 at Piešt'any​
45th Squadron B.534 at Piešt'any​
IV/3 Wing HQ at Nitra​
10th Squadron Š.328 at Nitra​
15th Squadron Š.328 at Žilina​
16th Squadron Š.328 at Zvolen​
Support and training units​

4th Air Regiment (fighter)
I/4 Wing HQ at Kbely​
40th Squadron B.534 at Kbely​
41st Squadron B.534 at Kbely​
42nd Squadron B.534 at Kbely​
II/4 Wing HQ at Kbely​
43rd Squadron B.534 at Kbely​
44th Squadron B.534 at Kbely​
50th Squadron B.534 at Kbely​
III/4 Wing HQ at Pardubice​
46th Squadron B.534 at Pardubice​
47th Squadron B.534 at Pardubice​
48th Squadron B.534 at Pardubice​
Support and training units​
5th Air Regiment (bomber)
I/5 Wing HQ at Brno​
81st Squadron MB.200 at Brno​
82nd Squadron MB.200 at Brno​
II/5 Wing HQ at Brno​
83rd Squadron MB.200 at Brno​
84th Squadron MB.200 at Brno​
III/5 Wing HQ at Pardubice​
75th Squadron Ab.101 at Nitra​
76th Squadron Ab.101 at Brno​
77th Squadron Ab.101 at Brno​
Support and training units​
6th Air Regiment (bomber)
I/6 Wing HQ at Kbely​
71st Squadron Ab.101 and B.71 at Kbely​
72nd Squadron Ab.101 and B.71 at Kbely​
II/6 Wing HQ at Hradec Králové​
73rd Squadron Ab.101 and B.71 at Hradec Králové​
74th Squadron Ab.101 and B.71 at Hradec Králové​
III/6 Wing HQ at Kbely​
85th Squadron MB.200 at Kbely​
86th Squadron MB.200 at Kbely​
Support and training units​

At mobilization, six courier squadrons were created from aircraft mobilized from aeroclubs.

Extracted from information in Letalda Zrazeného Nebe by Martin Čížek

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