Am I making this up or did I hear right.

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I read somewhere in the past that the Germans fitted an anti-tipping switch to the V1. If the a/c was tipped the switch triggered an explosion of the warhead. Anyone here of this?

I've read that too but I've never seen any evidence for it. I would also question why the Germans would invest time and money in a modification to protect against a procedure so rarely practised. Only a handful of V1s were engaged in this way. Of course I'd be happy to see some evidence for such a modification,I don't know whether it was done or not. I doubt it but remain open to persuasion.
with all the turbulance they would have encountered crossing over the various terrains i think an anti-tipping device would be prohibitive. the v-1 would be jostled enough to possibly detonate it. may father told me several stories of V-1s and 2s. his base was on "buzzbomb alley" of the main routes they took to their inland targets. one of them did explode a mile from their base and they could feel the rumble. yep, when the engine quit they entered a very steep glide path as long as you heard the engine pass over you, you were ok. he told me about spits "tipping" them and that they dove down to match the V-1s speed and just lifted the wing enough to sail it back in a wide arc to the north sea. they were fairly low on fuel by that time anyways. he also told of when they were escorting the bomber groups they would see them being launched ahead of them. he surmised the germans were afraid that the launch site may be bombed so they shot off the ordnance they could.

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