Another B-17 to be restored!

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I"m sorry for being so skeptical, but where are they gonna get a tail section? that whole tail is gone. are they gonna ask Boeing to make one?
I walked through the Liberty Belle when it was here on St.John's. Sweet Bird.

Me too. Last year in Duxford...
That boy is my son...


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i helped out with the restoration of Liberty Belle ( not much ) but acording to Tom Reily who restored the Liberty Belle the fort salvaged from labrador is in better condition than liberty belle was before they startet restoring i am sure they will get that baby airborne :)


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that picture was taken in Kisseemee in Florida where the B-17 was restored.
It was taken in 2004 or 2005.. have so many trips there i am not 100% sure what year i did what..hehe
need to look in my photoalbums..have tonns of more pictures from the erstoration but all in papers
here are a few from when it was nearing its first tour and flight around USA.. the picture of me with sunburnt nose is taken inside the wing between the fuselage and the wing itself..the lightgreen cover over my head is the fairing between fuselage and wing..the one with the ammo was when we fittet the bird out with guns and ammo..
lovely bird to fly :) I ahve plenty of pictures from the early stages of restoarion of Liberty belle and all the way to complete if interested..also some of the B-17 from Labrador.. but i need to scan them to get them on my computer


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heres anotherone from its final stages of restoration in Florida
and the first testflight


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Don Brooks knew very well i was behind the stick..he gave the stick to me :) I got to know him in Florida as i was there often with the restoration of Fw 190 A3 Black 3 that has been restored for the norwegian armed forces museum. ( brought back two weeks ago )
I only got a gliderlicense in my younger days but flown the P-51, T-6, B-25, B-17 and various other WW2 planes ( one get to know a lot of guys when restoring old aircrfats and from time to time a ride is presented often woth most proud moments are the B-17 and the P-51 ( actually a TF-51 so i even did the take of and landing myself with Lee lauderback in front seat )

here is a few more pics of the final restoration of Liberty belle and some pics of the one brought out from Labrador. sorry for the quality..but they are glued in a photoalbum and i tried to remove some for scaning but that just ruined them so i took some pics of them in the album. on these pics we are cahning the sparkplugs ( they were not good ) wireing the flaps motors, compressiontest on the engines and things like that. onone picture yous ee mee squezed inside the wing..not a easy spot to work..hehe


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a couple of shoots from the one from labrador..and Don Brooks by the controls on flight to New orleans. I looked in my photoalbum and the pics from florida are from 2004


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the B-17 at its homebase..Douglas in georgia. Don brooks inspecting the woork and me and my brother on the arrival in New orleans.. now that caused some bigs eyes..the B-17 landed..lots of people came tos ee and the first thing theys ee is two norwegian " tourists" with suitcases wondering how to get to the international Airport :lol:

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about the tailsection. I know Don has a "spare" and he also might get another from norway stored in the museums storagearea. not sure what is happening there but we will see
the restoration started in 1992 and was finished in 2005. so it was a long time project.
A B-17 will easily burn 200 gallons of fuel per hour, plus about 10 gallons of oil per hour. Consumables and wear items cost an estimated $3,000 per flight hour. For each hour a Flying Fortress spends in the air, ten are spent on the ground in maintenance. An engine overhaul can cost $40,000 and FAA required wing-spar inspections and repairs will cost each Flying Fortress in excess of $100,000.

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