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  • That's a really cool picture in your sig, there. Every chance I meet any WWII vet I come across I take the time to talk to them. There's not many of them left. My grandpa faught in the pacific theater..I dont speak Japanese myself, but he did..he would translate for the troops and try to retrieve enemy info. I was really young when he died...he got into a bad motorcycle accident when I was 7 years old and I'll be 30 on veteran's day. I never really got to know who he was..but sure heard a lot of stories from Grandma and the rents.
    Hello! You mentioned possibly passing the e-mail address of a gentleman who flew witht he Luftwaffe during World War II. Certainly, this would be quite useful to me if he is interested in providing a perspective for my current book, and if he writes English well, and can use e-mail. If this is possible, my e-mail address is: [email protected]

    Hi mandoman,
    'G' for sure as my best friend, who passed away yesterday, flew it.
    Whoa, looks like you are busy. I just noticed you as a member of the B-17 group, and thought I would say hello. What is your favorite version of the B-17?
    Hello Ramon, We meet again!! I'm trying to learn about WWII Forums to promote my father's(Kenneth Tucker) book"Last Roll Call." Do you have any suggestions other than here at this site and Army Air of WWII?

    Wanda Goodwin
    co-author Last Roll Call
    Ahoj Roman!
    Chcem ti len oznamiť že som previedol do Angličtiny text o Ju-88 objavenom v čiernohorskom prímorí a že si ho môžeš prečítať v tvojej téme o tejto udalosti.
    Hey I feel really bad.... I can't send the package with the US customs form and it needs your phone number. It's either that or I can send it in manila envelope but can't ensure that it'll be completely safe through it's journey.
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