Another Mustang Thread?

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Here is another shot of Dan Vance in "Speedball". It is interesting to observe the stock wing as the panels distort under even modest g force compression loads and probably some air being compressed within the wing. Most of the serious Racers in later years did extensive filling, smoothing and sometimes reprofiling the wing surfaces to deal with this.


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Here's an oldie -- Reno 1981. This is Chuck Hall in the Mustang "Section 8". Chuck was there from the beginning of Reno, and liked to fly low. This airplane was at Reno 2023 as the white Bahrdahl airplane. It was also the fastest racer at the first Reno Air Race in 1964 -- by 40 mph. A very historic airframe.


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I thoroughly enjoyed all of your posts of the Mustang, especially those of the air racing variety. I'm a long time resident of Reno (since '91) & have attended most of the air races, including the last air race to be hosted by Reno of this year.

Just as you, my son & I managed to snag a ride in the backseat of a real honest-to-goodness P-51D earlier this year at a local air show. Ever since then, neither one of us have been able to get that silly grin off our faces.

I was also fortunate to take several photos of various highly modified Mustang racers such as Tsunami (if you can call this a Mustang), Miss America, Dago Red , VooDoo, Strega & many others.

Enclosed are pictures of our rides in the backseat. Hope you'll enjoy.


Here is Chuck Hall again, this time in John Sandberg's Race 28 "Tipsy Too" at Reno 1983. John was testing engine options for his future homebuilt Unlimited "Tsunami". He needed a testbed for his ideas, so he picked up a Mustang...

Chuck Hall was very comfortable with flying low.


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This shot is an old favourite of mine. This was Reno 1979, and we are looking at the old pylon 6. The higher leading Mustang is the well known at the time 'Lou IV' flown by John Dilley. He is running very rich, in an attempt to keep temps down. The other Mustang is 'Section 8" and Chuck Hall again. The pylon is about 45 feet high. Chuck was comfortable flying low...


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This is N1051S, the first time I saw her, at the 1979 Miami (actually Homestead) air race flown by George Sullivan.. That was a transition time between civilian paint schemes to pseudo-military, and eventually to the rather anal restorations of our new century. This airframe had a complicated life, with many owners over the years.



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