Anyone know the true story behind the Me262 in this 15th rate youtube video

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1st Lieutenant
Sep 19, 2012
Aw flaming stralia

Starting at 3:20 it waffles about an Me262 found at Deelen Air Base Museum.

The CGI graphics are crap as is the narration and what is said at the end of the video about p-40s is mainly crap but maybe this thing exists. They infer it is complete but I doubt that. Anyone got any facts and/or photos about it

I found several sites like trip advisor who mention the museum but no website purely for the museum.
Thanks Snautzer.

As far as I can see the only items on record are a model and a part of a compressor or turbine stator - the new google translate is not as user friendly as the old one so I could not find much more.

I did find the statement Important wreckage has since been preserved and made suitable for exhibition in the Museum Vliegbasis Deelen. Soon, wing sections, the cockpit window, engine parts and the two on-board guns will be on display in the museum building. Further conservation is still in progress and further parts of this unique aircraft will be added to the exhibit.

The Me 262 at Deelen is Wk.Nr. 130026 which was shot down by German Flak (friendly fire) on 12 September 1944 near Arnhem.
The pilot Herbert Schauder died in the crash.
The wreck was then transported to Deelen airbase (Fliegerhorst Deelen), dumped in a bomb crater there and filled up with sand.
After 70 years it was rediscovered and dug up.

It is one of the first Me 262's ever built.

Uniek vliegtuig WOII gevonden in Deelen

Het verhaal van de Messerschmitt | 27 februari 2017
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