Anyone knows any other site with manuals?

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Thanks Micdrow,

I can really use the Me 410 armament manual. My guess a "Gurtkasten" is an ammunition box? Does the WB 151A has either 1 Gurtkasten with 2 times 200 rounds or 2 Gurtkasten with 2 times 230 rounds for the two MG 151/20?

Furthermore if the Me 410 A-1/U4 with BK5 cannon also has the MG 17's, does that mean the Me 410 B-1/U4 with BK5 also has the MG 131's?
Nanton Lancaster Society Air Museum

try here, it is a working museum, one can crawl and view the Lanc being re-built...i also purchased from their gift shop, a repo, yet detailed manual for Hurricanes and cockpit dimensions, start-up procedures, shut down procedure, do/don'ts etc for quite cheap, a few bucks...

bf109 Emil

If more detailed manuals are required, this society, is getting a lot of log books, flying items from WW2 pilots and families from past relatives, going here rather then collect dust in an attic...

bf109 Emil

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