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Master Sergeant
Feb 15, 2008
hey guys? I'm gettign back into Star Wars again, XD and I'm lookig for model kits of the ARC-170 clone starfighter used in Revenge of the Sith and the CLone Wars cartoons. but all's i can find are stupid snap-together kits. can anyone help me find a normal model kit of this? that requires painting and cementing? I'd appreciate it, thanks
Only one? See Wurger this is why you and I don't hang out more often.

I cannot agree, I'm afraid.Simply the one can will be enough for you I think.Then you will by flying at the ceiling level and I 'll have to catch you

very interesting. thanks for trying, Wojtek. seems like there's no regular model kit for the ARC-170...yet. there needs to be >.> Though the Republic cruiser seems interesting. it would take a lot of work.

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