Armour Plate for Avro Lancaster (1 Viewer)

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Allan Hunter

Jan 30, 2020
I'd be interested to know what those with more knowledge than I have will say. I read somewhere that 'Bomber' Harris ordered armor plate stripped from Lancasters as the war went on, so the weight or bombs could be increased. This plate would therefore be from an early model?
There were most likely exceptions, but as far as I know, the only armour plate in the Lanc was the pilot's seat back armour, with the armoured doors at the main spar location being removed or deleted.
My understanding is that there were armour plates protecting the navigator's and radio operator's stations as well, plus armour apron plates in the upper and rear turrets. So a full mid-war 'standard' armour fit would be the pilot's seat back armour, the armoured bulkhead behind the pilot's compartment, the armour plates behind the navigator's and radio operator's stations and the apron armour plate in the turrets.

The 'standard' armour plate outfit is indicated in red in the dwg below. The numerical indicators are #86/129/139. (I think I have it marked correctly, but not 100% sure.)

Lanc armour-forward crew area.jpg
I've posted this elsewhere but worth reposting here:

As introduced -- the Lancaster had:

28 lb (4 mm) seat back
27 lb (9 mm) head piece

Flight Engineer
?? lb (2.5 in) armoured glass

W/T Op and Navigator position
160 lb (7 mm) *another source has 6 mm*

W/T Op seat back
13 lb (4 mm)

Mid-upper turret (FN50)
26 lb (6 mm)
38 lb (10 ga dural)

Rear turret (FN20)
45 lb (9 mm)
8 lb (6 mm)

Engine coverings
144 lb (10 swg)

Engines + ancillary
100 lb (8 mm)

Unsure, but I think the above 100 lb of armour consisted of:
- crescent-shaped plate which protects the oil tank sump​
- vertical piece of plating behind the header tank leg
- vertical plate at the side of the radiator at outboard engines​
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