Ash 82T engine manuals

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Master Sergeant
Apr 2, 2009
English translations of the Ash82T maintenance manual. The engine is the Transport version of this engine, as fitted to Flug Werk Fw 190 A8/N


  • Ash 82T OMM pt 1.pdf
    3.2 MB · Views: 918
  • Ash 82T OMM pt 2.pdf
    3.4 MB · Views: 772
  • Ash 82T OMM pt 3.pdf
    4.1 MB · Views: 638
  • Ash 82T OMM pt 4.pdf
    3.8 MB · Views: 726
English translations of the Ash82T maintenance manual. The engine is the Transport version of this engine, as fitted to Flug Werk Fw 190 A8/N

Hello, do you happen to have the German original of the manual? A friend of mine aquired an Ash 82T, but without manual. As he does not speak English, it would be better to get the German version. However I do have parts of the German manual, but it is not complete. If you do have the original German one, I only need about maximum a third of it. Please PM me.

Last edited:
Hi Michael,
German Version attached.

For some reason we were missing pages 23 24. These are attached separately.



  • Ash-82T Part 1 (German).pdf
    6.2 MB · Views: 567
  • Ash-82T Part 2 (German).pdf
    8 MB · Views: 494
  • page 23 and 24 OMM Ash-82 german.pdf
    385.6 KB · Views: 326
Hi Michael,
German Version attached.

For some reason we were missing pages 23 24. These are attached separately.


Thank you Aaron for posting the German version in the name of my friend Bernd. Thanks from me too.

Thanks for sharing manual. We have an old AVIA AV-14RT on airport as a club room and I got crazy idea - bring her to life again. It's well preserved aircraft, but engines needs some care. I will start with some engine cleaning, put some oil into cylinders, etc... There are some parts missing, but I think we could get them from some museum, or from other, not so well preserved airplane.


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