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I wonder what happened to the original artwork and lithographs. If they exist, it seems to be a possible business opportunity.

This last is from the aviation section in Newsweek based on an Aviation Week report. It shows what little we knew at the time. You can see where I dated it Feb 22 1954. It's
amazing how many of them they thought there were. This type of misinformation is what led to the U-2. Enquiring minds want to know.
A selection of pictures from my misspent youth. In the mid 1950s, for all you youngsters, a kid could go to the corner grocery store (gone, replaced now days by the stop & rob convenience store) and for a penny, 1 cent, buy a bubble gum pack which included a trading card 2"x3" same size as the accompanying thin sheet of gum. There was a competition to see who could sail the gum the farthest. Consider how many must be purchased or traded to get a complete set as one had no idea which card was in the wrapper. Consider the profit margin of the merchant at one cent each. This is the reason I pick up pennies in parking lots, much to the great amusement of my children and great grand children. I offer these initial few for your consideration and if there is interest, I will continue.

marked copyright T.C.G.
source ed's collection

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